
When the Sun dies what are humans are going to do??

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What is going to happen??




  1. That will happen in a couple billion years. So either we will already be extinct, or we'll have created a plan by then. But (sadly) i'm guessing we'll be extinct already.  

  2. The sun will expand and bake the earth before it collapses on itself and dies out. We'll all be toast before that day!

  3. I'm going to have ribs, whiskey, beer, more ribs and take up smoking again, when is this planned for I'm looking forward to it already!

  4. We will only have 8-10 minutes to live because we will freeze and die.

  5. Die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6.    FREEZE!

  7. The sun will explode in, like, 4.5 BILLION years.

    Way out of your lifetime.

    And it will also take out the first three planets from the sun.

    So humans will become extinct.

  8. die.

  9. The Explosion will kill all the people on earth and humans will go extinct

  10. Die

  11. Humans will have been extinct for millions, if not billions, or years before that happens.

  12. Before the sun even dies, it'll become a red giant. In its red giant form, it will have engulfed about all of the planets within the asteroid belt, including us. The Earth will be gone before the sun dies out.

  13. The sun isn't going to "die" for another 5 billion years.  What's actually going to happen is the sun will run out of hydrogen and start burning helium.  It'll become a red giant and swell up in size, engulfing the Earth.

    Hopefully, humans would have left the earth and found a new planet or planets to live on long ago.  Anyone who decides to stick around, for whatever reason, would burn up with all the rest of life on Earth.

  14. Have you seen the movie WALL-E? That's exactly how it will be. people living on a cruise ship in space.

  15. The sun should die in 3 to 5 billion years.  Humans have been around for about 100, 000 years (to be generous).  

    I seriously doubt the human race can solve all the other problems it is faced with and last long enough to worry about the sun dieing.

    If you are an optimist, if humans have solved all the problems and survived for another 3 billion years,  then they can probably go find a new home with a new star.  

  16. well the sun will die in several 100's of billions of years and it's also been predicted that our neighboring galaxy is going to collide with ours. so idk dude go figure.

    supposedly 2012 is gonna s***w us over

  17. When the Sun becomes a giant star, it may become so large as to engulf Earth, in which case the planet will be destroyed. Even if this does not happen, the sun will expand so far out that the temperatures on Earth will become extremely high so that all oceans will evaporate away, and there will be no water left on Earth. So, no life which depends on water will be able to survive.

  18. the earth freezes and we die.  

  19. Everything on earth will die, if it's not dead before.

  20. Freeze to death.

    I sincerely doubt this will happen in our lifetime - I'd find something a little more current/relevant/realistic to worry about in the meantime.

  21. Before our sun dies it will grow into a Red Giant type star.  This star will be massive and will be so close to us that we and everything on the planet will fry like on the surface of Mercury.  

  22. who cares, you'll be dead

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