
When the ball is served who touches first on the opposite side?

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When the ball is served who touches first on the opposite side?




  1. ideally the serve receive witch is two to six players who prepare to pass the ball to the setter when the serve comes over

  2. anyone can but ideally you have whoever hits it first hits it to the setter, then the setter sets it to the hitter who drills it into the other teams faces!(hahaha)


  4. Whomever the ball is nearest and whomever calls it first. Typically the setter doesn't touch it but she/he does they yell"setter's out!"

  5. Well rules say anybody can touch it first. However strategically you want someone to first hit it to the front row. Then someone on the front row will slow down the ball and set it up really high. Then another front row person would jump up and spike it.

  6. By rule, all six players can make the first "touch".

    Theoretically, you should "hide" your setter so that s/he can go for the second "touch".

    In some high level teams, only two three players in back row are assigned to pass (95%+ of the chance, and some back row hitting), all others are 90% on attack.

    In middle school, or for some beginners' teams, we teach young kids to cover their own area (six different "zones"). Because most young players hit soft, in the real world those front row players get more touch than back row players.

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