
When the big melt happens will Global Warming believers claim it is the result of more CO2 for this season?

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Their models did not factor in this winter.




  1. good for you jimi .it is another means of raising taxes

  2. If you are interested in viewing climatic data, you can visit NOAA's website at: (  This is just for January, you can actually view any interval of time that you want in previous menus.  For instance, you can view global temperature for 2007 which was the 7th warmest year in recorded history.  On this page  you can read about how indeed, January's temperature was slightly below average is some parts of the US (western), while above average in other parts of the US (northeast).  You have to wait until next January to know how 2008 will stack up in the ranks.  But a hot summer could overtop your cool winter in terms of the average, and that is what really matters in the model predictions.  

    Global average temperature cannot be recorded in your back yard, it is an average of temperatures (highs and lows) from around the globe, and that is what is changing.  There are several internet sources that one can view to see this trend for themselves.  I recommend going to the IPCC website ( and downloading the 2007 AR4 Summary for Policy Makers. Then you can download the Full Report which contains thousands of pages of technical scientific and economic papers that will keep you busy forever.  This is the best summary of the latest climatic research that there is in one place.  Realize that the IPCC is a body of the world's top climatic scientists, and that they did win the Nobel Prize in 2007.  The best way to understand a topic is to dive right in, we'll call it self-discovery.  I recommend it to all of you out there who believe what the oil companies, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and our government (who incidentally resides in the same bed as the oil companies) are telling us about how global warming is "the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."  

    Even a few deplorable scientists such as Fred Singer are on Exxon's payroll.  Watch this free documentary ( it interviews scientists who claim global warming is a hoax.  Incidentally, these are the same scientists who testified for the tobacco industry during the smoking causes cancer trials, and as it turns out they receive thousands of dollars from oil companies.  It is really hard to know what the real situation is when there is such a powerful campaign backed by huge amounts of money with a mission of confusing the American public by casting doubt on such a serious topic.

    Ordinary citizens, people like you and me are going to be the one's who suffer most from global warming.  The rich will have all the resources they need to travel, relocate, buy food and water.  It is time for ordinary people to get pissed about what is going on.

    The one hope that the world has is that the average citizen who can think for themselves!  Once you realize that the truth is freely available on the internet with some of the sources I mentioned above, hopefully you will begin to realize that our government is too infiltrated with special interest groups (mainly coal, oil and gas companies) that it will not do what it takes to protect us from the disasters that accompany global warming.  We must take it upon ourselves to conserve the planet for our species and for all of the plants and animals that make our existence possible; as Homo sapiens, we are no more immune to extinction then any other living thing on this planet.    

    Get informed, get angry, and make changes!

  3. No, the big melt is unlikely due to the La Nina cooling weather influence.

    Actually the models have nothing to do with weather, and it's well known that the "noise" of the ENSO (El Nino Souther Oscillation) is far larger in magnitude than the underlying warming.

    NASA saw the La Nina cooling trend starting last Summer, so as that trend strengthened Dr. Jame Hansen predicted that the newxt really big warm year (and Summer melt) would be 2009 or 2010:

    "El Nino-La Nina Cycle. The cooler than normal equatorial region just to the west of South America is a reflection of the ongoing La Nina phase of a phenomenon dubbed the Southern Oscillation. In the La Nina phase of the El Nino-La Nina cycle the equatorial winds in the Pacific Ocean blow with stronger than average force from the east, driving warm surface waters toward the Western Pacific. This induces upwelling of cold deep water near Peru, which then spreads westward along the equator.  Figure 2, the surface temperature anomaly for July-December, shows that the La Nina equatorial cooling is strong in the second half of the year. The La Nina should thus continue to affect global temperatures into 2008."

    "The Southern Oscillation and the solar cycle have significant effects on year-to-year global temperature change. Because both of these natural effects were in their cool phases in 2007, the unusual warmth of 2007 is all the more notable. It is apparent that there is no letup in the steep global warming trend of the past 30 years (see 5-year mean curve in Figure 1a)."

    “'Global warming stopped in 1998' has become a recent mantra of those who wish to deny the reality of human-caused global warming. The continued rapid increase of the five-year running mean temperature exposes this assertion as nonsense. In reality, global temperature jumped two standard deviations above the trend line in 1998 because the 'El Nino of the century' coincided with the calendar year, but there has been no lessening of the underlying warming trend.

    Of course with the La Nona cooling influence 2007 shouldn't have been as hot as it was (second hottest year according to NASA), so it's always possible that 2008 could be hotter than expected as well.

  4. I don't buy that global warming stuff..someone is making money and a career off that stuff.. I think its all BS.. we got more snow this year then in many years, and its been cold like it is every winter..

  5. I'll go as far to state that global warming, as told by the faithful, isn't even happening.

    Look at this chart from the environmental defense fund:

    Temps are now just 0.5 deg above average at best after being 0.5 deg below average for 130 years.

    CO2 does not cause a change in climate.  If that was the case, there would have been a gradual upward trend in temps, not record cold temps.

    Models predicted a warmer winter this year, since Jan 2007 was warmer than average, and since the ice caps melted, this would cause less of the suns warmth to reflect back into space, plus the permafrost was melting putting more methane into the air.

    Believer should get one thing right before we believe anything they say.

  6. You are the believer.  Pure belief

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