
When the clock says 00:00 does that mean that Time ceases to exist?

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When the clock says 00:00 does that mean that Time ceases to exist?




  1. Talking about time and space I always find it bizaar when I get on a long haul flight on this side and it is night time and I have been on the plane for 10 hours.  When I reach my destination, it is still night time!

    Yes I know what time difference is I'm not an idiot, but I still find this strange.

  2. no it means you should have been asleep ages ago !

  3. Only if you believe that inventing the clock created time.

  4. Time is a Myth inside your head.

  5. No it means your popcorns ready

  6. This, I am afraid, might also be true. As when the clock said it is this or that much of a minute of that much of time then it simple did not mean that this is the time of the day. As in the moment next neither the time nor the clock would remain the same, all things run in time to change to save themselves from what they were just a moment ago. The moments lapsing in time do not tell of times passing but of the things changing. An hour in time could be many minutes long, and each minute many moments, but each moment in itself is eternity - if one could find enough time one could see what a moment in time is. The clock in any case was lying as while it was telling that time is dead it was quietly counting the moments of its own life coming along, that is the fact.

  7. Time is the illusory construct to prevent everything from happening all at once.  What you're looking at there is a clock.  The two are not the same thing.

  8. either that or the bombs about to go off..

  9. no, time still exists. unless you believe that what the clock shows is the time. its not, just the measurement of it.

  10. time is measured by different people at different was not created by god , it was created by human (i  mean the time that we use) ,so if it is 00:00 in Canada it will be 2:00 at some other place

  11. ...its ready to GO!!!...

  12. y do u keep asking questions about time?

  13. time is a measurement of man, it has no real relevance


  15. Nope. Means it's midnight.

  16. It depends on the clock you're referring to and your definition of time

  17. in all actually, time does not exist. without clocks, life still goes on. that's the same as asking when we close our eyes, does time stop and as we open our eyes, does our time officially begin again? we can all benefit by refraining from time telling. try it for a day and see how you do.

  18. It's a new day.

  19. Actually, time doesn't exist, it is something we have created ourselves!  Also, whilst a 24 hour clock will say 00:00, a 12 hour clock will say 12:00, so not it doesn't mean time ceaces to exist.

  20. time is a measurement of change just like inches are a measurement of length. Just because you don't have a ruler doesn't mean theres no length.  

  21. Get and analogue clock

  22. Time is a mere perception of mind.

  23. I asked myself that very question when i couldn't get to sleep last night.

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