
When the earth will extint?

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  1. God said that he is coming back in the 20th century. So it could happen any day now.

  2. when the sun getes to close to earth it will extint

  3. according on my researches it says in there that the Earth will extinct in the year 2012 because of the meteors that wuold fall on the earth surface

  4. The earth has no will!

    If the question is about how long the earth will last until all life on it disappears (because without anybody around it might as well be extinct, theres no detectable difference)..... then the answer is probably quite soon because of Man's destructive nature, but with a certain amount of luck and heavenly help it might be about 20 billion years, until the sun is preparing to explode and become a super-nova.

  5. only god knows when earth will have an ending.

  6. In about 65 billion years, scientists say there could be a big crunch (this is kind of like a big bang but in reverse)

  7. in 5 billion years when the sun will burn out

  8. Everyone needs to learn how to construct a simple english sentance.

  9. in 5 billion years the sun has a little hole inside it and when it closes up... KA-BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it will explode and destroy the whole solar systam of

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