
When the equity market is running south wards, is it advisable to invest in mutual funds.?

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After January,08 the equity market is highly volatile. All the FIIs are started withdrawing from the capital market. At this juncture all the mutual funds schemes are showing very low NAVs. How do you feel investing in Mutual funds at this stage. Whether one can invest in MF or wait for some times till the market get corrected.l




  1. depends on your time horizon, if its like 8-10 years, its fine

      and if its less than that, then i dont know.

  2. You can consider investing in MFs as well as in the Equity market.  For equities, u have to be a bit cautious as markets have not found the bottom yet.

    With MFs, u can consider start investing in the SIP option wihth less amounts for each payment. This way u will be in a safe horizon

  3. There are types of mutual funds

    1. equity base

    2. balance

    3. liquid

    It is good to  invest in liquid MF when market is running southward.

    When northbound go for equity and balanced MFs

  4. current market is volatile but it will reach good level soon

    If you are long term investor then you will got good profit

    start from mutual fund

    then jump in share market

  5. if u can able to spot a potential stock at a deep discount. then u can consider it.

  6. Equity markets are ALWAYS volatile - that is why mutual funds are best used as a long-term (over 5 years) investment.

    Market timing is a fool's game.  The market may go lower (or it may not), but it is a fact that equity fund shares are much cheaper than they were a year ago.  From that perspective, now is a GREAT time to invest!  Remember - buy low, sell high.  It is astounding how many people do the exact opposite.

    If you're worried about further equity declines, divide your investment up into 5-10 equal parts, and dollar-cost average (invest those equal amounts each month) over the next 5-10 months.  That way, you will be able to take advantage of further market declines (if they happen).

    I hope that helps - good luck!

  7. I"ve learned a lot from this site about equity -- that it is one of the primary assets you should leverage for wealth creation. I look at wealth so much more different now -- I used to think that I spend, then earn, then earn more working for another person. I never thought that my money could actually work for me.  I learned from Marian Snow, a wealth management specialist based in Chicago. She wrote the bestselling personal finance book, Stop Sitting on Your Assets, a book in the subject areas of both Real Estate and Retirement Planning. You might wanna check her out, you might learn a thing or two. The link below is a preview to the book.

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