
When the food runs out, where are you gonna get your eats?

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Do you have a plan yet? Where ya gonna get food when there is none left in the grocery stores and restaurants?




  1. Soylent Green

  2. I don't see that being an issue in the US in my I'm not going to waste time worrying about it.

    Did rationing rice purchases to businesses start this "scare"? Not a sign of a worldwide food shortage...

  3. this is why i have farm conections my dad owns a farm worth  over a million althought the thought of stores with no food startles me

  4. Food will NOT run out... Some items may be a lot more expensive though. For a long time, Americans have had the mixed blessing of having many choices... almost too many choices. We may see the day where we will have to content ourselves with more basic, inexpensive food items. Considering that many of our foods are KILLING us, that may not necessarily be a bad thing.

  5. we will all be dead before that happens but we wont be able to afford  the cost of food so we need a plan for that

  6. The only way the food will run out is if the planet dies and that doesn't appear to be happening anytime soon.  In third world (low wage) nations, poor infrastructure, corruption, and prices just make it difficult to get.  DNA engineered crops mean even poor climates CAN grow food and if global warming is real as it probably is, more of the land surface will be available for food production as the frozen north becomes a better place so even the future looks good for production.  The lucky ones living in the civilized world won't have to worry.

    So, if the food does run out, I'll eat what is in the cupboard and then die along with everything else.

  7. Drive through a few states in the midwest and then you will have confidence that this country will never have any problem feeding its people and the people of many other nations.

    I once drove coast to coast by way of Denver and on to Pennsylvania.  My wife and I got so tired of the 8 ft corn on both sides of the interstate across several states.

  8. Ill go to the jewish people next door. They already assembled a bomb shelter full of food and drinks

  9. People will have to learn how to provide for your family in other ways. We will have to grow gardens and learn to hunt. Hopefully you will have a supply that will last you until you can provide for yourself,

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