
When the gers win next week?

by  |  earlier

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will the parkhead faithful start baying for wee gordons blood again..or will you wait until after the second defeat...:-)




  1. If Rangers win on Sunday I will eat my skipcap.And show my baldy head.

  2. I have said for ages that he will be bagged by Christmas.  Sunday will be the start of the screaming for his head, (you'll remember it from last season, weeks before they nicked the league).

  3. Yeah and you really think that is going to happen Bluebell?

    4 in a row is just a few months

    Keep fishing though, I love it.

  4. is the pope a fenian ?

  5. full of eastern promise babe and like your own Bullshite

  6. nope i will go and kick f**k out of the cat first then come on and congratulate u on a win but thankfully for the cat u know the hoops will win

  7. not answering...I refuse to be involved in any old firm debates now until after the match!!!

  8. no i think they will wait until after the second defeat maybe }

  9. if i was you i would keep off the drink and get ready to join in with the protests once the champions have pumped the huns

  10. billybhoy,is that you????no chance result doesnt make a season

  11. yeah they have had a great showing against the cross town rivals. I am not sure that a ger's fan has a lot of room to put down a team that showed resolve like the Hoops did last season. I am already getting ready for the excuses for a ger's poor showing. What are they going to say now that they let us have the match.  

  12. haha, if we cant beat a p**s gers side by at least 3 he should be sacked to be honest but as he's just using yous as a warm up macth for the champions league we'll let him off

  13. blue WKD on a sunday,been bevvied the past two sundays and saturday night,but still cant see a gers win

  14. I doubt it blue girl the 4th title is coming.

  15. ffs listen to yer man above (ur a p***s) he has been saying that for years ok give it another 10 years and you might come close.

    billy bhoy  I always get a wee laff outa you

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