
When the husband is away, the house is a mess.?

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By the title of that you're probably thinking my husband does the cleaning when he's home. On the contrary, I have to pretty much force him to even mow the lawn. Anyway when he's home (not TDY or on Deployment, ughghgh) our house stays pretty much spotless, minus the mess that is always in our "black hole" or "dump room" of a guest room which.. I stay out of. Then he leaves and all of a sudden I find myself in a slump, unable to really keep anything clean and more than that.. not WANTING to clean anything. Which is weird because I love a clean home.

Anyone ever gone through this too or am I crazy. What did you do about it?




  1. Hi, I am also a Soldier getting ready for my second deployment.  You are going through minor depression, loss of energy, don't want to do anything etc.  Try and get involved in your FRG or if you do not work volunteer somewhere, go to the gym. You need to keep your energy level up.  

    Try and clean one room at a time.  I am currently TDY and my Wife goes through the same thing, and that is what she does.

    Good luck

  2. Maybe a small case of depression. I know I have a hard time focusing on my routine when my husband goes back to work. It takes me probably 2 days, to find my focus again.  

  3. When I would go on deployments my wife would treat the dog like a baby.  She carried her to bed on a pillow and stuff.  People do strange things when they miss someone they love.  If a clean house reminds you of him you are prolly leaving it dirty on purpose subconsiously.

  4. Actually, from your title, my first thought was what the actual truth is.  I don't know what to do about it.  Our apartment is always a mess.  I'm starting to think I might start cleaning the kitchen more often though, because I'm starting to be bothered by the grossness of it....

  5. sometimes i lack the motivation to clean my home and it only takes about an hour to get it all done.  I will procrastinate and then the whole day is shot.  I make myself clean it, and then i am patting myself on the back all day that i finally got it out of the way.

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