
When the majority of people in America are atheists, how will we celebrate Christmas?

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I was raised catholic, and so every Christmas Eve, my mom makes a nativity scene. We do "posadas" and we have a party afterwards. This includes breaking piñatas, and eating food, obviously. Then, we open our presents at 12:00 A.M. or the next day if we want to.

However, if atheists are the majority in America (in the future), how will people celebrate Christmas? Will it be just a time of family and reunion, and of course, presents? Or will there be no Christmas at all? I think we should change the definition of "Christmas" if there is one.

When I grow older, I'll just get rid of the religious stuff in Christmas, but keep the good traditions like food and festivity.




  1. They'll just have Happy Holidays!

  2. Substitute babby for turkey!

  3. Changing the name doesn't change the meaning for me.

  4. Christians just renamed a Pagan holiday to begin with.. when and if there are no more Christians, Muslims, Jews etc.. there will still be seasonal gatherings of family and friends.. just like the peaceful holiday before all of this quackery turned it into a invisible best friend contest.  

  5. I am an atheist and my family is not religious, so we just use it as an excuse to enjoy ourselves and give/receive gifts.  

  6. with a tree and presents

    the tree is not christian

  7. The majority of people in America are Christians not atheists.

  8. Christmas Atheist Definition:

    The holiday of giving.

    Atheists can give? Yeah, they can.

  9. Considering the traditions (trees, presents, decorations) are pre-christianity traditions, I would say we'll celebrate the same way.  When the majority of people are atheists, there will be much less nonsensical bickering over leaving christ out of christmas, who the holiday belongs to, etc. etc.  As there are no ancient pagans around, the only people who really have the right to complain about the holidays are the neo-pagans and since most I've known don't go around ranting about it, I think the holidays would be a much more peaceful time of year.  

  10. i still celebrate christmas despite the fact that i'm not religious at all. I like the idea of giving gifts, receiving, celebrating the winter, huge family reunions and gatherings. I think christmas will still go on even though the majority of the world will become atheists.

    Besides Japan celebrates christmas evn thougth the country is mainly buddist. It just the spirit of christmas not god.  

  11. Pretty much the same way we celebrate now.  No matter how much you dislike the fact, and despite the few hardliners left, Christmas ceased being about religion a very long time ago.  Jesus is no longer "The reason for the season."  Get over it.  It's the way it is.

  12. "Christmas" is simply a stealing of the "Winter Solstice", so don't worry.  Pagan habits and rituals are pagan habits  and rituals, regardless of Abrahamic nonsense.

    Walpurgisnacht, anyone?

  13. If the Puritans couldn't successfully stop Christmas celebrations in spite of their laws banning it, and they were arguably Christians, what makes you think atheist will succeed at it any better?

    I don't see Christmas going away soon as it is a multi-billion dollar industry. It's an integral part of American and European culture and wouldn't be eradicated easily...and if someone tried, people would simply rebel and celebrate anyway.  I found it interesting that in the Harry Potter novels, they still celebrated Christmas despite being wizards and witches...see how pervasive the holiday really is?

    There's no "when"...but If...and that's a BIG if, the majority of Americans become atheists, Christmas would probably be a secular holiday with even more emphasis on material things than there is now.

  14. Oh, this is so sad.  To most people Christmas is just a secular holiday.  It's a chance to have a big dinner and give and receive presents.  A lot of people don't know or care that it's supposed to be about the birth of Jesus.  I know Jews (my in-laws!)  who celebrate Christmas complete w/ tree, presents, etc.  (No offense meant to any Jewish people out there.) It is called "Christ-mas" (Christ's Mass) for a reason.

  15. Just like we do now. Commercialized and soulless.

  16. we'll sing "ding dong the witch is dead"

  17. Are they majoritively athiests?

    I thought everyone in America was really christian!

    I blame these cruddy american chat shows that constantly preach about god that they show on British TV.

    Wow I learnt something new today.~

  18. We would probably continue to celebrate it but change it to "Happy Holiday."  

  19. Christmas is a highjack of the pagan traditions and religion.

  20. Like they always do.

    Celebrate the giving to others.

  21. Hit the sales and buy things with money they are saving by not buying nativity scences.

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