
When the rich wage war it's the poor who die?

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That makes sense....what do you think about it?




  1. True.  Dave87 is right.  

    But  Fox News propaganda is not the only 'news' available to Americans.  What about the internet?  It is evident to the rest of the world that Americans just don't want to know.

  2. The Iraq 'war' is a prime example: this 'war' was waged so that a handful of wealthy elitists, industrialists, oil barons and power brokers could become wealthier and more powerful. Yet they're not the ones risking their's the valiant U.S. troops who do the 'grunt' work so that the rich can get richer.

    The 'war on poverty' and the 'war on drugs' are two more examples of class warfare in America. The government throws money at these social problems, providing handsome incomes for counselors, teachers, mentors, etc. But the poor remain poor and the drug addicts remain drug addicts while they also become the pawns in a game that keeps judges, lawyers and politicians at the top of the fat-cat ladder.

    The rich wage war and the poor die.......-RKO-  07/27/08

  3. " why don't presidents fight the war,

    why do they always send the poor" ?


    from Mesmerise

    System of A Down.


    because there's always a supply of Poor folks,

    prepared to sign up for military service to drag themselves & their kin out of trailer-parks ( or UK council estates )

    to seek a better vocation by fighting politicians wars.

    when will this madness end?

  4. if you live in the GREAT COUNTRY of AMERICA, then there is no reason at all to be poor unless you are LAZY

    Proud American

  5. that's the way its always been. This iraq war is the biggest "war for profit" in history, only this time there is the Fox propaganda network to see to it that Americans dont know the truth

  6. It's the poor who usually lack the education to know their rights and do the fighting for the rich. If the rich had to die for their own sins they would commit a lot less sins.

  7. Iraq is the cash cow of the elite war cartel and oil conglomerates...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ plain as day unless you're a total naive dimwit that thinks this skunk is DC really wants to free people...ok...$$$$$$$$$$

  8. Well,if we reduce this question to simpler form like longtime ago if a rich land owner was mad at another rich land owner the people that work and live on the rich land owners land would be obligated to protect their landlord.Of course the poor people who help protect the land have special interest in fighting as well.They are fighting to keep their livelihood.

    The people always protect their master,lord,leader etc. etc.

  9. The poor always fight the rich mans war, its been that war since the dawn of time.

    I wish we could make it madatory that every senators son must go off to war before anyone else, than and maybe than they'll think twice about sending other boys off to war.

  10. When the rich wage war on the poor, it is called Capitalism, or "free markets".  Most poor people work at minimum-wage jobs, without insurance or pensions, and most poor people are only poor for a while, a few months or a few years at the most.  The long-term poor are either disabled for some reason, and can't work, or have been made unemployable, by way of the criminal justice system.  Strange how everyone protests "class warfare" ONLY when the rich are its targets.

  11. Absolutely true.  Unemployment always was the best recruiting sergeant, and I'm sure this applies to all countries.  And then, if you look at the US rules on conscription in the Vietnam era, it was possible for those with money and/or the right advice to avoid serving (unlike the British in WWII, where the right advice could help you into a safer role than some, such as ordnance, but the only other ticket out was physical or mental incapacity).

    Those who join because there are no other jobs, or no better jobs, probably outnumber those who do so because they want to be professional soldiers/sailors, or think of it as a good career with opportunities for sports, and travel, and friends (which I did) by at least ten to one.

    You might be surprised to know that this also applies, to an extent, to officers.  It's expensive to become a barrister,  quite expensive to become a doctor,  and no decent person goes into banking or media anyway, but the armed forces will pay you (and offer you quite a reasonable lifestyle in good company) while they make an officer - and usually a good one - of you.

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