
When the states ratified the Constitution, why did they insist that a bill of rights be added?

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When the states ratified the Constitution, why did they insist that a bill of rights be added?

A. The people were afraid that the strong new government would use its power to restrict individual freedom.

B. The state governments wanted to get rid of all restrictions on the rights of the people.

C. The state governments believed that state constitutions and state bills of rights were the best way to protect the people.

D. The people were afraid that the new national government would abolish slavery.




  1. they did not add the bill of rights because each state already had simillar rights already in their constitution. this ended up causing alot of confusion between the states. they  were added them so there would not be any more confusion between the states.

  2. I believe A.  This is also the reason the second amendment was instated - to protect ourselves from the government if need be.

  3. A and even with the bill of rights the federal government is doing what it wants . All against the constitution like this FISA bill just passed today which is against the 4 amendment . 1776 all over again .

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