
When the storm hit, it soaked my apartment. 1 out of 3 bedrooms can't be used. Do I have to pay full rent?

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My son's room was half-soaked with rain water from Fay. I reported it immediately to the apartment manager and used a wet-vac to get up as much as possible. My son is 3 and the room smells real bad. Since he can't stay in there until they fix it, do I get a discount on my rent this month?




  1. Ask the apartment manager: there's no way we can answer that question.  Clean-up is likely to take a few days, and the owner(s) of the apartment complex should have insurance to cover the cost.  And you should have renter's insurance to cover any losses on your personal property - the boy's clothes, bed, bedding, toys, etc.  It is highly unlikely you'll get a rent discount, but you do have the right to insist that proper clean-up and repair be conducted right away so that you and your family are not unduly exposed to disease and further loss of property/possessions.

  2. Well think of it this way it's not your fault the storm hit that's mother nature for u. If you've kept up very good on the rent money & gave them no problems I think U deserve a break. Maybe they will give u a break. By the way Good luck them storms are never nice.

  3. do you like staying there, if so talk to the landlord again,  if he does not do anything,  like removing the carpet, contact your local health department, if there is a problem they will make sure they fix it, good luck  

  4. Yikes! That is awful! Go somewhere and get a copy of your state's landlord and tenant act. It may be online. There is usually a handbook or something that describes what the responsibilities of each party are. Keeping the apartment livable is a requirement for any landlord.

    Keep everything documented!!!!! Especially if your son gets sick from the mold.

  5. You won't get a discount, but by law they have to fix the apartment free of charge. You need to keep your son OUT of that room, there is a chance that mold is growing beneath the carpeting. If he has no where to sleep, house him in the living room or in your bedroom.

    The smell that you are smelling is mildew, which will turn into mold if left untreated. Call them again and ask that they have a mold inspector come and check your home, also, ask that they clean your carpets for you.

  6. Don't you get money from FEMA?

  7. Pay your rent in full, but if it is continued unuseable request another apartment.

    Landlords must provide liveable conditions, have carpets removed to avoid mold, maybe new drywall rather than just patching and repainting. You can get an estimate or two, and put in writing how fast you expect the work done. But you wont get rent reduction exactly; if they try reasonably to repair it you are out of luck.

    Some places (I am in Ontario) it is possible to pay your rent not to the landlord directly but to the courts to hold until the work is done. Look it up in your state.

  8. Your rental agreement (contract) should really spell out these circumstances. CHeck it over and follow the remedy plan already laid out.

    If not, speak with your landlord. Sounds like something would be worked out.

    Don't forget to look at your renters insurance policy - it might cover this situation.

  9. Call your renter's insurance company

  10. I highly doubt it

  11. I would not cross your fingers! Pay your rent in full and hope for a discount. And request new living quarters if they cannot fix your apartment in a reasonable amount of time. And if they can fix it -- request a hotel room while they are doing it!

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