
When the world will take action on stopping global warming will it be too late?

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When the world will take action on stopping global warming will it be too late?





  2. Sorry to tell you 'my friend', but it was too late 20 years ago!  

  3. Global Warming is a scam to rob U and U don't know it...  

  4. Late or early, we'll have no effect.  Man can not control the Sun (the true cause of our recent warming trend).

  5. first we must designate a scapegoat group, as i did in the 1930's.

    wait, that's been's anyone who is not an econazi.

    then we must decide upon a way to make them powerless.

    oops, again.... been done. gun control, media takeover.

    then we must find an acceptable justification for Exterminating them. F.D.R. and wilson were on the right track for this, but (sorry) I screwed up and made it undoable in america in the 30's with my actions in deutcheland.

  6. Major problem with the pogrom called AGW. It is just not happening on the claimed scale and it is becoming clear that it was a scam funded by the oil companies to keep alternative energy sources off the market in quantity until they could capture control of and profits from the new sources. Now we find that Exxon/Mobil and Standard/Chevron are engaged in developing hydrogen power as their answer. But there is a problem here in that to make hydrogen you need to use electricity to break water down into hydrogen and oxygen. But you need to burn coal or oil first to produce the electricity to produce the hydrogen. So until oil is $150 a barrel hydrogen is not cost effective on the market.

    Second major problem is that the high priest of AGW is a major oil company stock holder and much of the money he has made over the last 8 years is coming from oil company payments! As had been said you need to follow the money to find the truth. AGW is nothing but a well planned part of the pogrom to enhance the profits of certain major oil companies.

  7. What karazyal said was right,not fully right....

    Earth will still facing global warming one day but we,21 century's civilization just making happen faster as we add more 'special' ingredient to our thin atmosphere.

    I think,

    The world WILL only take action when a very very very obvious disaster hit them.Means,it was too late to save the Earth.Example,when all the ice melted and floods,disasters,hurricanes start pounding their home,they only start think:"Oh,I shouldn't burn rubbish everyday""Oh,I shouldn't throw so much rubbish into the drain".But it was too late to response....

    But lucky,with the help of those hard working and enviro-care people and scientist trying to motivate and telling us was is the cause and influence us to protect the environment,we might be safe,at least for now....

    Always remember:

    "Nothing last forever,its the matter of how long it will lasts"

  8. don't believe the hoax.

    Al gore needs to by imprisoned and beaten to a pulp for his lies and deceit and profiteering from global warming hoaxes.

  9. No as global warming is a natural occurring event.  There's nothing man can do to make the climate warmer or colder.

  10. It already is too late.

  11. global warming or not, thousands of people still die cause of pollution.

  12. No actions will change anything because humans don't control it NOW.

  13. With or without human beings being on Earth, Global Warming will take place!   Global Warming - Climate Change is a normal cycle that our Earth goes through every now and then.

    In the past billion years there have been probably millions of climate changes - none of them caused by man!   To buy into the idea that man is responsible for Global Warming is ludicrous!  

    Man does not cause Global Warming!   Even during this most recent time in our history, the Middle ages, Earth was much warmer than it is today.  How did this happen with so few human beings being around and not Suv's to blame???  Global Warming, now referred to as Climate Change, is a normal occurrence.  When the glaciers melt in Europe evidence of past civilizations show that even that area was warmer, warm enough to support human beings.  

    Climate change is normal!   This doesn't mean you should not do what you can to conserve and make the water cleaner - just don't go all wacky about it!    

  14. Einstein, Are you really serious with that question? There isn't a switch to turn off global warming. Read your history and see that the world has gone through changes from the beginning of time. It's a Natural cycle and  nothing or no one can change it. Stop believing the lies of the Wacko's like Al Gore and the rest of the enviroNutz.

  15. no , it won't be too late i think world will very soon stopped that

  16. No proof exist that it is even a problem.  Tell me what are the negative effects of global warming?

    Just off the top of my head I can think of several advantages to a slightly warmer world.

    Longer growing season

    Lower energy bills

    Less car accidents due to ice.

    Remember even the most rabid of the global warming nuts are only calling for a 6 degree increase over the next hundred years.  If the temperature at the poles goes from -40 to a sweltering -34 how is that going to cause ice to melt?

    In short there are just too many questions that are not being allowed to be asked for me to take this con job seriously.

  17. no one will take an initiative to work towards stopping global warming human hunger for energy is enormous and never-ending.We use electricity to run our daily choresand even run our own private vehicles without thinking how much poisonous gases are being diffused to the environment.

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