
When there is no petrol on earth, what will be the position of human life ?

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When there is no petrol on earth, what will be the position of human life ?




  1. We would have got alternate fules at that time and nothing will happen. Simply like lot of hue and cry was made before 1st Jan. 2000 regarding problem Y2K but nothing happned on 1st Jan. 2000.

  2. petrol or crude oil? everything will suffer when the world's oil reserves run out, eg. there will be no cars, plastic, and oil will no longer be able to be used for electrical energy. I'm not saying that it's good that we are nearing the end of our oil supply, but lack of oil will mean that we as humans are forced to use alternatives. Same with coal...when coal runs out over the next fifty years, then we will need to use other forms of preferably renewable energy in order to sustain the quality of life that has become an expectation and an essential.

  3. if  there is no petrol on earth

    first  you didn't  able to go anywhere,

    and  becomes so difficult to go to net chats,

  4. don't under estimate human brain

  5. humans will opt for other resources that are renewable .

  6. 1. The transport system may break

                   2. The people who work in petroleum may lost their jobs

                   3. All the vehicles may use electricity or gas instead of petrol

  7. All will run on electricity and nuclear power

  8. They will relearn to walk miles....

  9. Alternate sources will come. The carbon economy had ruled the world for almost 1 century. I personally would like to see hydrogen economy to develop and prosper. This does not mean that hydrogen economy will solve the petrol crisis problem. Once we embark on the hydrogen economy, other problems willl emerge and we have to continuously find solutions. Human life will not change drastically, and life will continue in a different environment.

  10. First America will sell it's huge reserves at a fantastic premium and than introduce an Alternative fuel and earn further thro' patency rights.

  11. Human life traces back to many many centuries,and at every point of time man has invented newer and newer things for his better living. Before one is extinct or redundant he has discovered others.

    Petroleum is also one of such things as   wood,coal and similar things  of the past.

    As tomorrows fuel we have atomic power which can be used for many many peaceful purposes. Atomic power would rule for sometime and who knows some would follow suit then !

  12. Don't you worry.

    There are enough sources of alternate fuel.

    Nothing on this world is indispensable. including Human beings.

    Dr. R. P. Raut Desai,

    Panaji-Goa 403001, India

  13. Again to the stone age.

  14. A lot of scientific research is going on to develop alternative to fossil fuel and by the time we finish up with fossil fuel these technologies will be made commercial and vastly available so we need not worry about it.

    rather we should be happy that alternative technologies being developed are environmental friendly and we should pray that these are developed at the earliest.

    Solar power is being developed for using in vehicles and this is goping to be the best since it will not pollute. So, we are moving back to natural resource used by our fore fathers SUN for energy.

  15. We'll use renewable energy. However, by the time we wait until all of the petrol in the earth is gone and burned, we'll probably be either extinct or endangered because of global warming.

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