
When these Russian zionists be forced out of Palestine so the people can live in peace?

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As they did for two thousand years after the Romans expelled the hibaru?




  1. When American humanitarians force a change in U.S. foreign policy; the nightmare in Palestine is purely a product of U.S. support; it's not a real "country" or even a legitimate government.

  2. Russia also sends billions of $ to Israel, many do not realise this. 19 out of 20 oligarchs who cornered the Russian utilities and major industries when Russian Communism collapsed send mega bucks to Israel.

  3. Very soon.

    My 2 cents.

  4. There's something strangely ironic about the American taxpayer pouring thousands of dollars in to a homeland for Russians,lol!

  5. Not without a fight.  Honestly, Palestine is a totally made up concept that doesn't really have a culture.  I'm still trying to figure out the undercurrent on this one.

  6. why pick on Russian and not on the americans and europeans

  7. They will leave when the Palestinians feel ready for an armed revolution after the style of the Algerian War of Independence. There can be no peaceful resolution.

  8. The Jews, the real ones, they do not support Zionism and it is not for themselves to arrange to return to their homeland. Hence the situation is political, so a political solution must be found.

  9. I regret to say that I agree only a full-scale war of independence will ever restore Palestine to tranquility; we all know when the trouble began. It was a peaceful environment for almost two thousand years until the zionist movement began.

  10. No need to force anybody out. Israel for them is no more than a stop on the road to the West. With there Israeli passport they can travel to the US and Europe with no problem. Russian passport doesn't allow such luxury

    By the way, Habiru is the old name of Hebrews mentioned in the Assyrian scriptures and it means nomadic "the people with now homeland".

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