
When they had to put down that racehorse in front of everyone, did they shoot it or give it a lethal injection

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When they had to put down that racehorse in front of everyone, did they shoot it or give it a lethal injection




  1. They use an IV injection. Much the same way a dog or cat would be euthanized in a vet's office. All race tracks have vets on duty during the races, right there, just for problems such as these. There is no way in the world racetracks are going to have someone shooting a gun with tons of people around! Think of the liability and insurance issues! And yes, they do have a "green screen" or tarps that are put up to shield the public from having to watch.

  2. These days they use a lethal injection.

    They put a screen up around the horse to prevent anyone from seeing what happens, but also to offer connections a bit of privacy to say goodbye.

    Just because the screens are put up around a horse it does not necesairily mean that the horse is fatally injured.  It is now general practise to put screens up around any horse that falls or appears to be injured in order to allow the vets to check the horse over privately.

  3. I'm assuming, like the above answers, that they inject it. They would have probably given it a pain med and taken it away to be assesed by the vets (to get it off the track, no-one wants they're animal put to sleep in front of thousands of people and the media). A racehorse thats worth so much money would have to be assesed fully by vets before they destroy it. The melbourne cup doesn't delay its schedule for an unfortunate accident like that. I wasn't there, and, they wouldn't televise it, but the owner of the horse would have requested a humane way of destroying the poor horse. It will probably be in the news soon. This was the sad shadow of the day..

  4. They bring out a curtain( like the ones you see in the movies) and give them a lethal injection.

  5. First off, I can not actually believe that someone would think that they would shoot a animal in front of a huge crowd.

    I think most times they would put the horse on to an ambulance and take it to the animal hospital before euthanizing the horse, but in such cases where the animal is hurt so badly that it is unable to walk at all, screens or curtains are put up. Lethal injections are used. .

  6. any of our horses that had to be put down after breaking a leg or whatever were injected, not the nicest thing in the world to have to witness

  7. They inject it... but they don't really do it in front of everyone... at the very least they bring out a curtain to block the crowd from seeing it.

  8. this day and age...the fans don't see anything...they give the horse

    a lethal injection. 34 years ago...they would put up a blanket,

    and the vet would open up his bag and pull out a .38 special

    and you would here the gun fire. but that was then this is now!!!

    people seem stunned, they put down horses every-day around the

    world, i feel sorry for the $10,000 claimer that has run 60 times, and

    has give us 8 solid years of racing, and when he gets put down

    no one seems to care.

  9. They usually have the gate crew hold up a curtian so that the viewing public can't see the state vet give the horse a lethal injection.

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