
When they said the stock market was going to take off, did they mean take off gains? lol?

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When they said the stock market was going to take off, did they mean take off gains? lol?




  1. Look where it is NOW

    Check and see what it was in Jan 2000

    Its still way higher than when Slick Willie was taking off Monica

  2. Yes, it seems they meant what it was taking was profits.


    "Look where it is NOW

    Check and see what it was in Jan 2000

    Its still way higher than when Slick Willie was taking off Monica"



    You are delusional. No gain under Bush.

    Dow Jan  3,  2000 --- 11,522

    Dow July 11, 2008--- 11,100


    Nasdaq Mar 6, 2000 ---  5,048

    Nasdaq  July 2008-----  2,239

    That is less than HALF for the Nasdaq and you call it "way higher"??  hahahaha

    LET'S HEAR IT FOR SUPPLY SIDE and tax cuts for the rich!!

    If you think that is higher then I hope you have somebody else managing your money.

    Feeling trickled down on yet?

    Why are you trying to "con" people?

    B.C., Just what were you thinking?

  3. No... take off like a plane.... fly... Obviously they haven't, but the oil and the Euro did.....  They had to....

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