
When things are getting you down, what do you do?

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Now this is purely an information sharing question. I do have my own methods but am always open to learn others.

What kinds of "therapies" do you use to pull yourself out of a funk?




  1. Look Ah got a bucket loada dese Nat?

    Go shopping with a really nice guy in the intimate apparel section of a major department chain, it is HOT!!! Pick me pick me, lol you is taken gal forgetaboutit?

    Retail therapy aside, when is your birthday gal, ah dont mean da real one, silly, invent birthdays just to have multiple parties in the year, if the party scene aint your world no wonder Paris gets sad and goes shopping as retail therapy believe me, both work, but ya gotta have a budget and as the ex cleaned me out forget bout us gal!!!

    Um failing that, puncing at the gym is great for getting the seratonin up to the head where 85% is stored in the stomach! If puncing in the gym aint your scene take a guy walking in the country, say if you two role in they hay like Boaz and Ruth did, you got problems, plan for a future together but not obsessively remember to use choice words and use opportunities to reduce stress guys most particularly are prone to stress.

    Its an amazing part nowadays of how feel good foods are a major major part of being what we eat, you is quality gal so here is the good oil on foods?

    Ironically Omega3 is a stabilizing oil normally we balance it in a ratio of 2:1 with oils like Canola ie your Omega 6 and 9. But, keep in mind if you cook with say Olive Oil not salted olives salt is a food trigger and the last thing you need is comfort eating so too are sugar and trans fats or saturated fats thus the importance of keeping molecular structure in oil before eating below 70 deg celcius. dont know farenieght must less spelt it.

    So Macadamia nuts are the only nut in the world with omega 3 how Aussie is that!!!

    Also find fish as a feel good alternative to say pork or lamb which are exteremel fatty and dont create a nitric oxide type effect.

    Focus in on two other meat types, Beef, and lean chicken breast, without the skin, also choose a quality beef as some can be fatty.

    Healthy carbo hydrates love your cauli flaur, your broccelli, your cabbage, your brussel sprouts, but ironically if iron ie if your feritine levels from a blood check are high this can destabilize folks with an issue of mental wellness. It is more a function of banning a few bad foods for destabilizing folks with issues in these areas including cigarettes as toxic overload can be a serious issue.

    Ban the following if you are down, Alcohol of any sort it really is a depressant but it is also a toxic causing cancer in large quantities, but can be used in a medicinal sense if for example a doctor gives you a medicine violently disagreeing with you, it washes and depletes some be very careful and seek medical advice I dont know too much in this area but it can be effective for unwanted toxins put in however wherever?

    Ban cows milk, unless its what we call A2 milk here in Australia, this is part of a casin diet, ie includes things like rasins and sultanas to be banned also?

    Bread, just dont have any, its not glutton on the whole people object to, as porridge in oat glutton as a beta glutton is brilliant as a part of a weight loss regieme with freshly squeezed lemons with the flesh eaten too but not the skin, one breaks down the fat cell walls the other excludes it from the body as facees or urine, be careful though, it is very very easy to dehydrate and larger amounts of water need to be drunk to what you normally would.

    Ban all fizzy drinks it has been known for sometime these cause the leaching of calcium and magnesium both essential for the central nervous system, some health food stores advertize if it aint doing anything for you it is wrong, calcium is a classic example of where you dont feel it going, but you know that pleasureable feeling observed when a young babies eyes pop drinking their first? How cruel. That is essential nervous system elements drained, and we dont know it a bit like our brains being sucked out. It doesnt matter high sugar or low sugar its the soda water doing the leaching, the way alcohol as a toxin removes b group vitamins essential for regulating the brain dopabmine.

    Focus in on what drinks you can replace these with? Water! Brilliant. Imagine a major fizzy drink brand has some incredible alternatives. Nutrient Water or NW a brand we have in NSW is great in most of theri range, but say, in the case of green tea we reach the final ban?

    Ban Caffiene it is essential most folks who are showing an alergic reaction dont even know they are! Basically caffiene as an alergy works this way, its a toxic overload. The free radicals produce stress, if you are so addicted to both fizzy drinks and coffee, be aware going radical cold turkey immediately will probably fail, I know several folks who with fizzy drinks especially having given up alcohol and also coffee take up to three years to nail the offenders.

    Alergic reactions as opposed to an alergy where a hyperfaletic reaction like some folks realistically get from depleted imune systems like a rash and choking etc etc is diff

  2. Put on my favourite music and either sing, dance or cry.

    Have a lovely relaxing bubble bath.

    Do some gardening.

    Write my feelings down- then they seem to go.

    Go for a long walk to blow away the cobwebs- you often meet someone nice who says a cheerful 'hello'.

    I have heard that Angels whisper to you when you walk- you certainly always feel better.

  3. I tend to talk about it because I find it hard to keep it within, I talk about it to my mum who always manages to say that right things or to my partner who never has advice and probably switchesoff half  way through the conversation but he gives me cuddles and the right times and nods at the right times and that it self makes me feel better. The problem won't go away but little measures helps alot..

  4. I just realize that it usually is just an emotional issue and that I can not live my life out of an emotion like sadness. I acknowledge the feeling, deal with it when I need to, and move on...We all have problems and things that get us down, but you can't live your life from there. I always have a plan and focus on where I am going, I write goals, and set about to get there, I think positively and use positive self-talk and do not listen to the negativity whenever it comes up. Happiness is a state of mind, you can put yourself there and live from there even when you are dealing with emotional issues. And, I always, always, always  try to help others along the way that are struggling, it makes you feel good and helps you to be thankful and appreciate what you have in your life..... great question btw

  5. I remind myself that I have a choice: to be depressed, or to not be. Then I remind myself that I do not like to feel down. I make a conscious effort to do something positive, whether it is to get out of bed, or take a walk, or do some household chore.

  6. I tend to be quite ruthlessly logical about it.

    I analyse (and sometimes overanalyse) the situation until I'm very sure I've got the full measure of it. Then I take what's overwhelming me and break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces to deal with, and I discipline myself to focus and face them one by one.

    If it's feelings that are overwhelming me, I sometimes have to seek the guidance of others to help me put them into better perspective. Ultimately I still rely upon logic and strategy to work my way back to feeling okay again though.

  7. I always think about what get's me down, and compare it to someone who probably has it worst then me. Then it makes me smarten up, stop being all depressed, and realize that if that person was in my shoes, they'd probably have it easier then what they are experiencing now.

  8. Dress up in my cutest, brightly colored clothes; hang out with my friends; force myself to dance even though I don't feel like it; and sometimes a little retail therapy  :-)

  9. talk to friends/family members/someone at church

    do a hobby

    do somethinspontaneousus

    go for a drive

    buy something

    go out clurestaurantnt/movie

    hang with some friends

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