
When things are there, and than disapear?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not high or on drugs. I only want serious answers. I'm totally creeped out by what I saw.

I've just seen an animal, which I've not seen for years. It was family pet, and it was sitting outside on the deck. Our family knew it must have been dead. It was looking at me and when I open the door, it wasn't there. It creeped me right out, not seeing it there.

Was it really there? It sure seemed real.

We just bought new house pets, kittens. We had two cats like when we had the old pet before. Did I see what I just saw? Does this have to do with anything that I saw?

Alot of people proply think, I'm nuts. But I know what I saw. It freaks me right out.




  1. yes, you really saw it, and that happens frequently. Love never dies. I have quite a few spirit animals in our house--one dog who died when I was 16, our beloved kitty and one or two of his new spirit friends, and several large cats (a mountain lion, a tiger, and a black panther--imagine coming up one of them in the middle of the night! lol). Yeah, it can be freaky, but know he's there because he still loves you and he always will. You'll get used to it after a while. After a while you'll go, "oh it's just ___".

    Peace, love and light

  2. don't think it's nothing-I have been going through alot in the past month & I wan't you to know it's not nothing & you are not NUTS. Please go to She can help you.

  3. Are you talking about a cat?  Cats can look remarkably alike and they can sure dart off quick if they don't trust you.

  4. You were seeing into the's okay....I just read a 3 chapter article........if you read it you will soon understand it all.  The Stargate Conundum.

    Because of the physical .....our minds sit....maybe until the right moment when we find our minds can go further than what we have ever been told.

    Now that you know....explore it more often....see into the future too............see someones else' future.  Have fun....let go of the world around you...concentrate especially during a Full or New Moon.........enjoy!

  5. See my answer the first (or second) time you posted this question.

  6. Was it really there?

    Consider what would have to be "true" in order for you to see a pet that has been dead for years.  Then weigh that probability of that against the possibility things weren't as they seemed and perhaps you misinterpreted what you saw.  Which is easier to believe, that a dead pet came back to life or that you hallucinated or that perhaps you just saw an animal similar to your old pet?

  7. ur probably not nuts but i think this is probably because ur pet might have came to visit u from the spirit world or somethin'. not sur but don't freak out over it since it isn't a very big deal. but u can look in to it and research it and see if anyone else ever saw their dead pet alive. hope i helped!

  8. It was probably just saying goodbye. I believe you that it was there.

  9. Nothing you loved in this life would want to harm you just because it has passed over so don't be scared.

    You do not have to believe in the afterlife but If you have just got new pets of course your old ones will be curious. They send love vibes all the time and will show your new pets all the best places and who all the soft touches are to get extra food and cuddles! Don't worry.

  10. It can be common that sometimes people see things that are dead through some psychological reason or whatever. I've experienced this myself, but it was more of a double take situation, where I thought I saw something, then a quick inspection turned out there was nothing there.

    Are you certain it was your pet and not just the same type? If you have new pets, watch their behaviour, they can act pretty strange if something weird is going on.

  11. animals have spirits also, same as people... you proberly did see it, and the fact you werent expecting it, thats how most people see ghosts, animal spirits are no different... your cats sprirt is proberly around more than you think, and you just caught a sight of it, just in time....

    now proving it, well thats a very difficult thing to do....

    was it a dog or a cat not that, that would make any difference...

  12. Just because you saw something that is out of the ordinary doesn’t mean you’re crazy in the slightest and don’t get so freaked out about such things for I feel that they're just manifestations of what needs to be expressed for some reason. Once you allow the manifestation liberty to express itself it will feel complete and find rest and move one to wherever his soul belongs. Your best bet if this ever happens again is to give it a big hug and tell him that you love him and that you are more than willing to help him in anyway possible, he'll soon leave you never to return. As scary and bizarre as this may have been don't be fearful. So you saw your dead dog,thats really cool you must have had a very close relationship with this dog. My only hope that is that in some way you were able to ask some questions such as, Do all dogs really go to heaven? I personally believe that they all do because they don't have free will like humans therefore they have not sinned and are therefore not subject to mans punishment that was brought upon by man for mans own sins.

  13. Could have been some kind of combination of optical effect and memory. You may have seen something that looked similiar out of the corner of your eye (either another animal or something that was the same color as what you saw) and your brain decided to grab the image of the pet and put it in your visual field. The brain is finicky and can do some odd stuff.

    But hey, who knows, maybe your pet's spirit came back to wish you luck with the new critters.

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