
When this price increase is going to stop?what other countries are doing in order to control price increase?

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When this price increase is going to stop?what other countries are doing in order to control price increase in everything?it's seems like no one has solution or plan.




  1. it will be some years before it stops. In the states we have the gas/oil issue which raises prices on food due to transportation. we also have the flooding and storms out west destryoing the corn crops. that will affect food prices and meat prices into next year becuase the animals, mainley cows feed on corn diets. people are in so much debt, gas stations, some of them, no longer accept credit cards becuase it costs the merchant money every transaction they only accept cash now at some places. some people becuase of gas prices are changing to jobs closer to where they live

  2. This price increse is due to the collapse of US dollar.US dollar is the currency used in most trades, so if this currency plummets, the price must go up.Besides this, USA has a gargantuan debt with the World,this debt is nominated  in US dollars, so it is better for USA  to devaluate her currency  as the real value of that  debt is reduced .

    All this means the poverty and even the death by starvation of millons of poor people all over the World that cant afford this high price of food.

    Its part of the agony of Capitalism, and we , Bolsheviks, enjoy it, it means that Capitalism cant feed its slaves anymore.It makes easier for us to fuel unrest.And show the people the pathway to go.That is, Proletariat´s Dictatorship.

  3. Price is a consumer driven phenomena.  When buyers refuse to pay price increases, the trend will change or stop.

    The solution is uncomfortable.  However consumers are driving less.  People are walking, using public transportation, riding bicycles, car pooling, and various other approaches to the rise in petroleum fuels prices.

    Oil producers have found lucrative revenue streams in the spending habits of Mainstream America.  Tapping the personal and private wealth of Mainstream America has been very profitable.  How much will Mainstream America continue to spend will dictate the duration of the trend.

    Wealthy elite in the US can afford to pay whatever the price increase similar to wealthy European drivers.  Mainstream Americans have budgets and limits.  Similarly political leaders and public officials who travel in government fueled vehicles have no budget or price challenges.  

    Should  voters require public officials to limit usage of government vehicles to essential services, the attention to fuel price increases would probably hasten.

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