
When to begin shaving?

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Daughter is 9 but looks like 11. She really looks older than her real age. Puberty is starting and with that comes hair. To start shaving armpits i'm okay, but she's asking when she can start shaving legs. How do I decide it's time to start?




  1. Let her start when she asked, i was lucky enough to live with a nice aunt who let me shave when i got into the 5th grade.

    Its much easier to let her shave instead of her getting picked on

  2. okay well im fourteen but i started when i was 9 because i have blackish hair and i was really embarassed. so tell her that she can start when ever she feels comfortable enough. dont give her veet or nair because they are bad for your skin and yeah oh and dont give her an electric shaver (sorry dundi) because she coud brake it, and it would be a booger to get fixed and they are really expencive.if she has a razor to shave her armpits and you tell her not to shave her legs with it well shes a curious kid so shell do it  make sure and show her how to do it all properly.

    shaving is just one step to becoming a women. you will want it to go slower, but  dont keep her from growing up. cause the more you keep her from growing up the more she will want to rebel. but dont gice it all to her too fast.

    i hope i helped =)

    good luck!

  3. well, when i was younger, i think i was about ten and thats when i got nair and used that, but it irritated my skin so i had to quit thats when my mom let me start shaving, but she taught me how and told me to call for her if i needed any help, to be honest, i was totally scared to death that i was going to cut myself and just wanted her to do it, but never admitted that to her because i was afraid of what she would say.  so my advice to her is that if she really, really, really needs to shave, then help  her with it, but if it is something that can wait, go for it.  But i think that 9 is a bit young to start shaving.  And shes just like me, i always looked older than i was, when i was turning thirteen, everyone i came in contact with thought i was 16!  But, go with your insticts on this one, put yourself in her shoes, what would she be thinking because the last thing you want is a young girl being self consience about her leg hair!!

  4. I did not start until I was 13. I would make her wait until she was either 10 or going into middle school. A 9 year old with a knife does not sould to good, if she really wants to you could possibly get her nair or veet so you won't have to worry about her cutting her legs.

  5. i wasn't supposed  to start shaving or wear makeup until i was in the 6th grade.  little did my mom know, i had been shaving off and on for about a year.  there were always disposible razors in the cabinet.  no one ever noticed (or at least they never said anything).  

    i do have to agree with many other posts though....9 is awfully young.   i agree with the armpit shaving.  the leg shaving i think can wait a year or two though.  most little girls do have hair on their legs. kind of feel out the situation as she gets older and decide what's best for her.

  6. i say let her...i wasn't allowed to shave until i was 13!!!! and i hated my parents for that rule...coz i was teased for having hairy legs...

    maybe just let her shave to the knee or something?

  7. i don't shave my legs at all. i don't have hair on my legs .. well i have hair but not visible.. I didnt see kids here like 9 to 14 years old to be so concious on thier legs..

  8. I started shaving my legs when I got to the 6th grade.

  9. Well I'm 15 and my friends started in 5th/6th grade but I didn't start till like 8th... truth be told, whenever there's hair or whenever you have to worry about other children making fun of her. 9 years old is waaay too young, though. Puberty hit me pretty early too, and I probably had hair then XD but.... I'd say 12 is good. 12. That's my guess of an age.

  10. when u become disgusted by the hair!

  11. 9? Ummmm NO, i think 12 at the youngest.

  12. honestly, it is an embarrassment for young girls to go walking around with hair on their legs. Your daughter will feel ashamed and will then no longer want to wear shorts. In my opinion, you should let her shave. Shaving is not going to change her attitude or effect her in a negative way in the future. Shaving is not bad, its just kind of hard to imagine a girl so young doing it, but a while back I heard girls were going through puberty at a younger age. I suggest that if you are uncomfortable with the idea that you do not allow her to shave above the knee. That way she will atleast feel comfortable wearing capris or knee length skirts and dresses.

  13. i started @ 11 but only cuz that was when my hair turned a diff color...

  14. i starterd in 8th grade when i was 13 thats when i felt i needed to a little hair isnt all that bad but yea when i was younger than that i iused an electrical shaver

  15. Well im 15 now. I started shaving my legs when I was 12 because the hairs weren't really visable. But yeah if she feels she needs to.. Then let her shave around 10-11. Its not really a big deal.

  16. i started shaving my legs when i was 11.

  17. Let her start when she is in 5th or 6th grade.

  18. My child is 8, she'll be 9 in Sept. She's already in a bra and asking the same question. She's embarrassed that her legs are so hairy among other things. I told her as soon as she's 9 (she's a very responsible kid) she can start shaving. Puberty is coming earlier, and I plan to even have the s*x talk with her this next year... I think if she's old enough to shave her armpits, has to wear deodorant, or has to wear a bra, then she's old enough to shave her legs.

  19. I don't think a 9 year old should start shaving, no matter how hairy. I think at that age its still acceptable to have leg hair, so I think she should leave it til she is about 11/12.

  20. I think you should not let her start yet

    its to much trouble/could be dangerous for her

    tell her her hair is fine and let her start in a couple of years

  21. Do her legs look hairy to you? Do you think they are noticeable in shorts and would make people look at them or comment on them and make her feel self-conscious? If you think she should shave, be sure to get her an electric shaver not a razor. She is too  young to control the razor and will cut her legs and could get scars. Give her an electric razor, it might just trim the hairs instead of shaving the legs smooth. That might seem like a better choice at her age. Tell her, when she is a bit older, she can use a razor after  you show her how to do it without cutting her ankles and knees. Good luck.
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