
When to buy these baby items?

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when should i buy a play mat for tummy time?

how about an exersaucer?

how long do babies use this things?

baby will be almost 3 mo at christmas. i was thinking about making these christmas presents.




  1. My son used a playmat first for a few months. He was 3 months old last Christmas, and he got an exersaucer. He couldn't use it until he could hold his head up at around 4 months old, and he used it until he was about 9 months old. I know a lot of babies use the exersaucers for a longer time, but my son just got tired of being in it.

  2. mine didnt use her playmat much, so I would skip it. her jumperoo, usually at about 4 months, shes 8 months and still loves it.

  3. My son was 5 months when he got an exersaucer for Christmas..he loved it.  At 3 months is she sitting up on her own?  A play mat is fine though.

  4. Our doctor had us do tummy time for day one so we bought a play mat right away and my son is now 8 months and is still using it, he now sits and plays with everything.  We never bought an exersaucer but have a jumper that my son started using at 3 months and loves it still to do this day.

  5. sounds good, i got my daughter her matt for christmas too and she was 4 months. as far as how long they use them. the matt she didn't really use that long, but i know other babies do. the exersaucer i think she used it till she was 8 months, after she started walking she didn't use it much. and i think getting those as christmas gifts is a good idea

  6. Your baby will use a play mat before 3 months.  I recommend the Evenflo exersaucer 3 in 1.  It is a playmat, exersaucer, and converts to an activity table for when they can stand on their own.  Get it within the first month of life so you can use the playmat for tummy time.  

    We used the play mat until about 4 months when my daughter decided she liked to kick down the hanging toys better than grabbing at them (she now just plays on a regular blanket with toys on the floor).

    We started the exersaucer at 4.5 months once a day or so and she loves it.  I mainly use it for when I am cleaning or cooking and don't want her to roll away while I am doing those tasks.  She will probably use it for another 2 months or so but then will be too old to go in it (prefer crawling, etc).

  7. you really don't need to buy a tummy time mat ,a blanket on the floor is just fine.. an exersaucer is a great item to have and as soon as baby can hold their head steady around 4 months is about when to buy son is 6 months and he still loves his

  8. My first suggestion for a gift is a jolly jumper. My daughter has been using hers since 3 months old and just loves it. She goes nuts. But she started the exersaucer at about 4 months and it is great for when you want to shower during the day or do housework, keeps them safe and busy. I used the play mat from about 3 weeks old as she could already hold her head up. However, she only liked to be on her tummy for about 5 minutes at a time and I had to flip her over. They don't much like tummy time until they are older and learning to roll over on their own at about 4-5 months. My daughter is 7 months now and still uses the jolly jumper and the exersaucer but just plays on the floor with toys now so the play mat is just sitting around collecting dust....LOL...But I highly recommend a jolly jumper.  

  9.   aww well the baby will prob like the paper better but at the age light up toys are good with different textures. as for play mats and toys stock  up now because the baby will be playing and interacting fast! your baby will prob play on the mat for a few months but will start exploring the house before you now it, mine started rolling across the floor at 4 months.

    i think it is a good idea to get those things and although they wont be used long, they will be exciting for you and ur baby

  10. You should be using a play mat for tummy time before 3 months so that you can gradually (5 mins at a time) get him used to being on his stomach.- Will probably use until they can roll over all the way

    the exersaucer I would get at 4 or 5 months and I still use mine (and the jumper and walker) at 8 months so far

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