
When to call it quits and move on?

by  |  earlier

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I have been a compnay for 7 years now. I love the job. I am a graphic designer love what I do. It is a small family owned company. We are a print broker. We receive files from other printshops, artists, design custom art, etc. and print them ourselves due to our low cost and high quality product. I was the first non-family employee hired and have felt as a part of the family. With the economy growing closer to crashing, the company is about to close the doors. I am torn as to leave or not. If I leave, the company will be forced to close the doors. I know that may sound conceeded, but am now the only designer left (lost all employees due to the decrease in work/sales) and am the only who could train the replacement. I am married and have two kids. Basically, I wanted to know if I should leave, and find a job, knowing that it would end this job. I am a loyal person and feel that it would be like I betrayed them. Sounds stupid, I know. Please Help! Serious answers please!




  1. I dont know if leaving high and dry is the most loyal thing to do to the company you work for, especially if it means them going under because of it.  I think in the long run this could really benefit you if you stayed and they prospered.   However that is also to say that if its not working for you, you can't sit back and worry about other people either, you ALSO need to worry about yourself and your family.  

    I would perhaps negotiate with them, tell them how you feel and see if there is any way to comprimise the situation.  Perhaps you could stick around for the training perposes but be on your way to another work place as well.... work part time there, and work your way into a bigger better place :-)

    Good luck.

  2. You're a decent guy, but if there really is nothing to save the doors from closing, you'll have to go. You've been loyal, but if the doors close before you find a replacement position, your family will suffer.

    You could offer partnership or a share if you can manage it. That might see you through the bumpy ride.

  3. Deer Friend,




    But only give you advise. GOD will answer that only.

    Bring your family together. no matter what happens in the end you will win.

    ps. remember your real family

    jobs come and jobs go.

    keep the FAITH


  4. you have to look out for you and your family first.  Even though the people there are like family, chances are theyre not gonna pay your bills for you. I would start looking for another job and give a good notice once you find something that would leave time to train a replacement.  Good Luck!

  5. I applaud your loyalty !! And asfar as your being,sounding or even seeming " Conceeded !?! " You gotta do what you gotta do !?!.  Ask yourself !! as I'm about to !! "Have you tried to "Stick it out/ stay with said company aslong as you can thus far ?..  Well your posting tells me that you have !! Just keep up the good work !! Til you just see not much else can be done !!. You've done YOUR work assignments !!. But keep in mind that IF you Over extend yourself.. Could be your downfall!?! If it takes place MAYBE you'll atleast be on your own steady grounds !?! If you will.. or know what I'm trying to say !?!. & MIGHT be able to find your OWN stability somehow !?! instead of taking the ultimate fall money wise!?! That may have you feeling even more guilty because you might feel that .. "MAYBE IT WAS SOMETHING MORE THAT I COULD HAVE DONE TO SAVE (ThEm)"!?!... you've done your good deed or part !! Now it just seems that it's a MUST that you move on & try to find more or other steady grounds to start new!?! & ONLY if you want.. give them a helping hand !! But keep in mind that YOU ARE NOT the one that must pull it/them out of the ditch !!. "ALL GOOD THINGS MUST COME TO AN END" !.  G/L~!!!  ;-'{  rRr

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