
When to capatilize the word father? Is it Father or father?

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How are you doing father?


How are you doing Father?




  1. If it's a proper noun - capitalize. I'd like you to meet Father Tom.

              Well, what do you say to that, Father Smith?

    if it's a common noun - no capital. My father gave me the car.


  2. This depends on how you use it.

    Capitalization is needed if your sentence reads using "father" as a proper noun (i.e. "Father, will you loan me $20?") but not needed when using it as the subject of a sentence (i. e. "My father sells ice cream in the malt shop.")

    Do you see what I mean?

  3. If you mean priest/clergy then it is capitalized. If you mean parent, then it is not.

  4. Father isn't normally capitalized, unless you used it in the beginning of the sentence as I did, or if you are referring to your actual father.

    For example: Hello Father.

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