
When to cut someone off?

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I'm training to be a bartender, and I've recently become concerned with the aspect of "cutting people off." On a busy night, I imagine I would find it quite difficult to keep track of how many and what drinks a particular individual has consumed. Additionally, some people are functional drunks, i.e, I have a few friends who can down about 5 or 6 shots and appear entirely fine. I'm horrified of the thought of gauging an individual's level of drunkenness incorrectly, and allowing someone to get so intoxicated that they may harm others. Any tricks of the trade?




  1. d**n right.  It's atricky one, but as it nearly always ends in a fight, defer to the boss on this one.  'suerte!!

  2. I bartended for years and never had to cut anyone off.  You have to look to see if they are coherent.  I worked at a place with older (30 somethings and up) so I didn't have to.  If you work at a trendy place with younger clientele, you will have to worry about it.  It will be visibly apparent how sauced someone can get.  If you are unsure, ask a coworker or manager. They will always come through for you.  In Michigan they have TIPS training, I am not sure what the acronym means right now, but it is a mandatory training for restaurant employees to familiarize themselves with alcohol and it's effects. Also, it is your responsiblity to not over serve, but it really falls down to the individual drinking to be responsible for themselves.

  3. I think you'll recognize a problem when you see it forming. Just check for little warning signs like raised aggressive voices, physical threats, and the like. I'm sure you'll be fine. In my experience, people are way more likely to hurt themselves than others when drunk through stupid accidents anyway.

  4. its not a matter of how many they have had some people can drink a lot more then others its when they start acting up or if you know they are driving home cut em off

  5. Yes, you are suppose to alert the manager and let him make that decision( when you think someone had to many).

    Follow the chain of command.

    Let him make that determination and escort the person out the door.

    Remember your job is to keep everyone happy and make those tips.

    If you become unpopular with the regulars--goodbye tips.

    Let the manager be the bad cop.

    Good cop= you

    Bad cop= manager

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