
When to deworm kittens?

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I'm handing raising an orphan kitten. His mom left him and a sibling (who didn't make it) hours after their birth. He's 4 weeks old today. To my knowledge he didn't nurse at all on his mother, and has been bottle fed since the day he was born.

I've read that kittens should all be dewormed. I've also read that they get the worms through mother's milk.

Will I need to get my kitten dewormed, and if so when is the best time for that?




  1. Please don't use over-the-counter dewormers unless they are very specific for the age of your kitten. The best thing you can do is schedule a kitten wellness exam with your vet or the local Humane Society and get them treated for worms.

    Almost all kittens have worms. Maybe it's from eating a flea or maybe it's from eating something else, but the worms devour all of the proteins that your kitty needs to grow and be healthy. Take him to the vet.

  2. Usually 8-10 weeks...check with the vet.

  3. you definitely should have him dewormed. i just recently adopted a new kitten and we had him dewormed immediately. he was about 6 and a half weeks.  

  4. check ur vet

  5. Check with your vet! It all depends on the health of the cat etc  

  6. Have your kitten examined by a veterinarian.  At that time, have him wormed and have his juvenile shots done also.

    Please, if you care for this kitty, keep him indoors.  

    You can teach him to use a litter box by placing him in a low litter box, gently take his little paws and help him dig a little hole in the litter.  Then, turn him around and with a cotton ball moistened with warm water, gently rub his diaper area.  He will urinate, and perhaps defecate at that time.  When he is done, turn him back around, and gently take his little paws and assist him in covering up what he has done.  One week of assistance, and kitties take right to a litter box.  

    Since he is one month old, you can begin offering him canned kitten food. When he gets used to it, decrease the milk until he is eating a lot of solid food (2-3 ounces) and drinking water out of a shallow bowl.

    Have him neutered when he is 5 months old, and he will become a calm, loving pet that doesn't have mating on his mind.

    Good luck with your kitten.  Hand raised cats are the most devoted, loving creatures in God's creation.  

    Give him love, nutritious food, clean water and a cozy bed, and your sweet pet will live a long and happy life, if he is kept indoors.

  7. I have always heard that all kittens have worms.  Even if he didn't nurse, to be on the safe side, I would have him wormed so that the food he eats furnishes the nutrition he needs to grow healthy.  You should check with your vet, but probably could be wormed around six weeks old.

  8. Puppies and kittens should first be dewormed with pyrantel pamoate at 2-3 weeks of age, and then every 2 weeks for 2-3 more times.  This is safe and will take care of hookworm and roundworm, the two most common parasites they can be born with.  Follow directions for deworming on the bottle or you can buy over the counter at the vets as well.  It is extremely safe.  

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