
When to go to from sippy cup to ordinary cup?

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I know my son isn't quite ready for it yet, but he is getting close. He's very good with his sippy cup now, and he's had it since he was about 14mths old. (he was off the bottle since his first birthday, but using containers with straws, so it doesn't count as sippy cup). How old were your little ones when they started using ordinary cups (without mess)?? how did you know when they were ready.




  1. 2 years old

  2. when your ready is best also, spills  will happen alot....... depends on you........ when they are ready is when they dont spill it all down the front of them whenn they drink, and when they are ready to not carry it around with them, Personally I wouldnt worry about it until 2+ but it is your choice

  3. Whats the hurry? My son started drinking out of a sippy cup and went off he bottle at 8mo. He's 22 months now and can drink out of a regular cup really well but he still has a sippy, and probably will for a while. There is nothing that says they have to go to a cup..I'm an adult and usually choose the bottled waters with the top on it instead of a regular bottle.. my friends 4 year old still drinks out of sippy cups..there's nothing wrong with it.

  4. As a child care provider...I would suggest two years old. When children move into a two year old classroom in a child care center (in the U.S.) they typically switch over to using a cup instead of a sippy. Does your child attend school? If not, then when to switch is really up to you and your child and what is convenient. Currently, I nanny for a 21 month old and while occasionally I give her a real cup to sip some water out of, she generally uses a sippy cup at all other times. At this point, there is no real rush for her to be using a cup, if she were in school, we would work on it much more. Right before she turns two, I plan to introduce the cup at all meal times, where I can monitor and clean up spills easily. There WILL be spills, it's inevitable. Slowly, she will get used to it and master a new skill. Good luck with your little one!

  5. I think mine were about two years old. I started giving them regular cups at lunch time when they were seated at the table, then slowly started giving it more and more until they got the hang of it.

  6. my son took a regular cup at 12 months.

    he hated sippys of all kinds.

    we just put a little water in, and refilled it until he had enough.

    he always sat down to drink

    when he was 2 1/2, he learnt how to do the sippy. he still has a sippy or sport bottle in the car.  

  7. Without a mess? My first was two years old when he was finally able to handle a cup without a mess. About 14 months old for my second.

    I introduced the sippy cup at 6 months for my youngest. He did not use bottles at all after 10 months. I started introducing the regular cup to him then along with the sippy cups. I knew he was ready because he would ask for it. (pointing and trying to say cup- it was adorable, plus he tried to take his big brothers cups all the time.) My oldest took a little longer because of me. I did not think he was ready and I guess I was trying to baby him. I still feel horrible for allowing him to use sippy cups for so long. He did not need it. In the end though, he is fine.

    So, just give it a try.  

  8. My son is turning 2 tomorrow & about the last few weeks I have started introducing a regular cup to him. He seems to be getting the hang of it but I only let him have it when he is sitting down.  

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