
When to introduce???

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I just read somewhere that babies arent suppose to have hot dogs. So at what age can babies have hot dogs without the skin?

my son is eating:

mashed potatoes

cut up green beans

cut up carrots



sweet potato

cut up pieces of peach and nectarines


string cheese


french fries (mushy ones, no salt)




and spaghetti

any one of a list of new foods i can introduce?




  1. He can have hot dogs, if they are quartered the long way and then diced - don't let him dig into a whole dog or a sliced dog (like what you'd put into beans for beanie-weanie, the round coin size is a perfect choke hazard).  But be aware that hot dogs are high in nitrates and somethings that is very hard on little babies (less then 1 year), as in they turn blue from the nitrate levels in their body.  Except for some highly allergic things, he can have everything you do - as long as it's cut up properly.

    No eggs or egg whites until age 1, stay away from peanut butter until age 3, no honey until age 1 - and that includes corn syrup (both contain botulism spores), stay away from beets and spinach until age 1 or up (again, nitrates), and limit preserved meats (nitrates).  Okay, yeah, I'd stay away from Mexican candy since many have had excessively high lead levels, and for that matter hard candies or gum until age 5 (again, choke hazard).  No popcorn (choke hazard).    The rest is limitless.  

  2. Sounds to me like you already have a good list going. About that whole hot dog thing though, I was feeding them to my daughter when she was 11 months old and she only has 2 teeth. Just cut it up in small pieces. Hot dogs were actually the first thing my doctor suggested for me to feed her. She is now 13 months old, still only has 2 teeth and eats everything her daddy and I eat for lunch and dinner. If you are worried about choking hazards than just make sure to cut whatever it is in small enough pieces.  

  3. they're not supposed to have hot dogs because they're a choking hazzard...also something about the way the meat is processed...same reason they're not supposed to have deli meats.  i've been feeding my son hot dogs for a couple months now!  he is 1, he has 8 teeth, and is popping 2 molars.  i feed him chicken...he loves chicken salad./..he pretty much gets whatever we eat, but cut into small pieces.  he eats pizza, mostaccioli, hot dogs, waffles, pancakes, and absolutely loves cereal and yogurt.  he loves sandwiches and crackers.  avocado is wonderful son eats them like they're going out of style!

  4. pretty much anything that's healthy. my son loves raisen bran in milk lol- he's got 8 teeth and is 16 months old. he eats anything that's pretty healthy his favorite is spaghetti lol. i've never heard the hot dog thing except that it can be a choking hazard. my son has had all beef franks or turkey dogs and he loves those- there is ahrdly anything he can't chew


    this is a great article ... but you can basically give him whatever you eat just monitor him  
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