
When to know that im to old for webkinz?

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i LOVE webkinz i have 6 and i am 11 years old i want to get just 1 more do you think im to old to get one more?




  1. i think your to old for webkinz. a webkinz will be a wast of your money and all it is is a plush toy that comes whif a web site that is boring. dont wast your money save it for rare stuff but if you want buy one it is not my desision.

  2. No! You are younger than me and I still play on it! I have 21 and just got a new one today! Keep playing with them until you get bored with it.

  3. If you still enjoy them don't let your age keep you from something that you have fun with.  You'll only be too old for webkinz when you find yourself not enjoying them anymore - until then don't worry about it at all.

  4. My daughter is nine and just started the webkinz thing yesterday with a purchase of two webkinz.  She wants to collect them.  She knows  a girl who is in high school that is collecting them thats what gave her the idea.  If you love them then keep buying them.  I am 29 find them very cute myself and have helped and watched my daughter play most the day online with her two.  Very cute.  

    I don't think your too old I mean if you enjoy buying the stuff animals and playing it online keep doing so.  Have fun with it.  

    I would also like to add that being 29 even if my daughter doesn't want them anymore I myself might continue to buy and collect the webkinz myself.  The stuff animals themselves are very adorable.

  5. no im older than you nd i still play with them

    u kno u are too old when it isn't fun to play with them anymore

    plz answer my question;_ylc=...

    thx :]


    U c@RLy

  6. I have 21 webkinz and I am 14. When u feel like ur getting to old for it is when u outgrown it. I LOVE webkinz a LOT! I don't I will stop playing until I graduate college. Webkinz is a whole lot of fun. When u feel the time is right for u. I doesn't matter. I hope I helped. Have a nice day!!

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