
When to mate my female dog in heat?

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My 3 year old dog is in heat right now

I want to mate her with a friend's dog

She has blood discharge

When is the best time to bring the two dogs together for mating?

Do dogs mate once discharges stop or even during discharge?




  1. There are thousands of dogs and puppies euthanized every day in shelters.  You can't believe that your dog deserves to have s*x, when those don't deserve to live.  Every new puppy you bring into the world takes up a home for a dog waiting in a cage for no one to take it home.  Be a good dog lover and don't create more shelter-bound unwanted dogs.

  2. well, why don't you do some research. Sounds to me that you have no clue about breeding dogs. If you look hard enough I'm sure you'll find the answer.

  3. if you have to ask please just spay her

  4. If you have to ask this question, then you dont know nearly enough about breeding dogs.

    Mating is the easy part.. it gets alot more complicated, risky, and costly from there.

    You need to stop, go do more reasearch on the subject, and find yourself and experienced mentor before you even consider breeding your dog.

  5. Do not do it. It could seriously change their temperaments and you could lose your dog whilst in whelp.  By lose i mean DIE!

    You need to be more experienced.  If you are h**l bent on mating these two dogs then wait six months, to do some investigating and gain lots and lots of experience.

    Not all dogs make a match?

  6. Dogs are generally in season for 21 days counting from the very first day. In general it is when the swelling becomes less hard (but still large) and the discharge turns from blood red to a pinkish shrimp water, (which is around 11-14 days) that they are receptive. If tested (either by putting them together or touching the female's behind) she should flag when she is "ready." Flagging behavior would be putting her behind to his nose and / or moving her tail to the side etc. Good luck I hope your mating goes well. WE NEED MORE HOME BREEDERS NOT LESS

  7. WHY do you want to mate her?

    To make money?

    Don't do it.If you want to make money go get a job.

    If you want a cute puppy go to the shelter!

    People need to stop unnecessary breeding for selfish reasons.

  8. How about never?

    You finally found us, we hoped that you would,

    Our mommy is gone now, back deep in the woods.

    She was taken in darkness, so noone would see,

    Or hear her weak cries, or her very last plea.

    He walked toward the woods, with a gun in one hand,

    And a rope round her neck, all this carefully planned.

    No more puppies for her, she's too weak you see,

    So they'll shoot her at midnight and then she'll be free.

    Free from darkness and cages, and hunger and fright,

    Free from cold winter nights when she just prayed for light.

    This dear dog once was known as the best,

    Now cruelly discarded to make room for the next.

    Who will replace her and continue the cruel deed,

    Of producing baby puppies for the pet shops need.

    I sure hope you're reading, because maybe you would see,

    That all of our actions live in eternity.

    You do know that God is watching above,

    And when the time comes, when you walk to the gate,

    And knock at the entrance to be given your fate.

    Remember these words, please remember them well,

    Those who harm dogs will go directly to h**l...

    But if one by one, they are taken home,

    One day we'll awake to find there are none.

    Please rescue just one, it's such a small deed,

    But until that day, if it ever shall be,

    Rescue one, rescue two until they're all free...

    None needing rescue, none left to buy,

    None cold and hungry, none left to cry.

  9. its when the discharge stops it will stop for a few days then start back. but dogs can go through a false pregnancy too so even if she looks pregnant take her to the vet to make sure

  10. Don't mate your dog.  Get her spayed.  There are too many dogs needing homes.  If you have to ask this on YAHOO, rather than doing this with the aid of a vet, you shouldn't be breeding anything.

  11. Why mate your dog?  For breeding purposes?  If not, i would not let them mate.  

  12. Best time is between the 11th and 13th day from first   day you noticed discharge.The female will let you know if she's ready by flagging her tail.

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