
When to potty train?

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do girls usually learn earlier?

my daughter is only 14 months. she is walking and speaking some words. I will probably know when the time is right but i am curious if there is a rough age.





  1. When she is able to stay dry all night long & knows when she has wet herself. They normally pull at the diaper.


    My son was fully potty trained at 15 mo. & yes to the lady who said that it's the parents schedual, not the kids is wrong.

    He got up & went when he needed to go. I helped wipe & thats it. My daughter was more lazy & was about 18- 20 mo.

    Since I work in the child care field I see alot of parents pushing the job off on us. They want them potty trained but, don't want to help at home. The last person to answer was 100% right. The people who wait till 3yrs. old to potty train are insaine. I guess it's ok if your not putting them in day care & your home doing the job yourself.

    I have to have steroid injections in my back all the time because it's messed up from picking up 3 yr. olds to put them on a changing table over & over because, the parents were too lazy to potty train & let me tell p**p off of a 3 yr. old isn't easy. Matter of fact, it's down right gross.

    Just some food for thought.

  2. Right time to potty train is after you buy the potty

  3. The goal should be to have it pretty much under control by 2 years of age.  Go shopping and let her pick out pretty panties.  Great incentive for my 2 daughters!

  4. Gender is not necessarily an indication how fast babies become potty trained. We learned that the sooner the better, less headaches and less bottom wiping, the best rule as soon as she can sit on and stay on that tiny funny looking baby toilet.

  5. Generally speaking, yes, girls master potty training earlier than boys. But 2 and a half is about the time they can master it (without the parent forseeing'll hear people saying "My kid was potty trained at 12 months" but really it was the parent who knew when the kid had to go). If your daughter displays unusual interest before that age, start out slowly and with no pressure. You can start after 2 years old, but don't expect her to master it until 2 and a half or three. Some kids are even over 3. If she's interested earlier, don't be disappointed if that is just "play" for her before the age of 2. She will let you know when she's ready. She'll show interest in what you are doing in your bathroom. She'll dislike her diapers. And so on.  

  6. I'm sorry but I can not believe that people really believe that 2 and a half is the beginning age to potty train. I am only 21, so my mom is not that old and it was not that long ago that I was a baby. My parents had be and my brother (2 years younger then I) trained before 2. The "general age" BS that people push now is because parents in general got really fin lazy and self centered. Moms decided to have power jobs and work all the time, which is fine if then daddy or grandma are gonna be at home all day; but that dosnt happen kids go to daycare. Start sitting her on the potty short times after her breakfast/lunch/dinner. Also after naps or around her general "poopy" time if she has one. If she accidentally goes at first make a HUGE deal out of how great it was. Also stop giving her drinks the last hour and a half she is awake at night. The most important thing is consistancy and patients. Never make a young baby feel bad about themselves, and never yell at them for accidents.  

  7. 2 and a half is a good age to start.  14 months is a little's possible to potty train her but it will take alot of work!

  8. You should INTRODUCE THE POTTY CHAIR at 1 yr old and just start taking her to it, have her sit in it,  put her on the potty chair, several times a day,  and when you sit & pee, have her sit too, let her listen, & see what your doing.......this is the easiest way to train her,    START NOW...........  earlier the better.  but if you have not introduced the potty chair, just have in the bathroom & tell her about it,  don't rush her, let her see it, for 2 weeks, while telling her about your big potty chair  & her smaller potty chair.

  9. Every child is different. Usually between 2 and 3 but 14 months is much too early. Just remember not to push her into it, make it her choice, she'll choose to do it when shes ready if you're encouraging.

  10. you can start now. even if you put her on the potty once a day or have her read books about using the potty or something. it will get the ball rolling.

  11. When my kids were at that age, I read that 28 months was the optimum time for potty training.  I don't recall the source, but it said that is the time when the muscles, sensations, and brain all start to function together.  I tried before that, but at 28 months, it was a piece of cake.  Good luck!
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