
When to put 6yr olds to bed?

by Guest33689  |  earlier

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They right now go to bed around 9 but they hate to get up for school. When do you put down your young child?When should I put them down?




  1. i put my 6 year old to bed @ 8pm. he has a tv and if he wasn't sleeping by 8:30, it would be shut off. i never had any morning problems. then when he turned 7 i let him stay up till 8:30. he wouldn't fall asleep unitl about 9pm, and i had problems every morning. so i pushed it back to 8, and it went back to normal, no problems.

    he is 8 now and we tried the 8:30 again and it works great. i always make sure he calms down about 1/2 hour before bed. takes his bath, plays with cars or watches a little tv or something. its too hard when hes running around like a maniac and you say "ok, goodnight!" yeah right! so it helps to make them wind down for at least 15-20 min. i think taking a bath as late as possibile os good too. my son likes to play in the bubbles with his cars, so a bath at 7:30 in warm water, he comes out with droopy eyes ready to hit the sack. it is to the point now, i don't even tell him to go to bed. about 8:15 h**l come and kiss me and say good night, im tired-so once your routine starts you should not have a problem.

    by the way, i have 2 12 year olds also, and their bedtime is 9:30-that just started this year. before it has been 9:00. so for a six year old, 9 might be a little late for him. and also, all my kids get up for school around 7-7:30

  2. 8.00 or 8.30

    I think its twelve hours sleep they need or summin I dunno!

  3. Well my daughter is two and I put her to bed at 8.00.

  4. My mum always worked quite well:

    5-6 bed at 7

    6-8 bed at 7:30

    8-9 bed at 7:45

    10-11 bed at 8

    Then she let us choose. If we stayed up to 11 and couldn't get up next day, we didn't go to school and got detention. It really worked. I'm 19 and am in bed by 10:30 at the latest!

  5. I think if they aren't getting up for school you sit down with them and say "If you can't get up in the morning I'm going to make you go to bed earlier" See, if that works. If it doesn't, move the bedtime to 8 or 8:30. Be firm and don't cave in when they start whining about it. Then as they get older move it back to 9 and later on maybe 10. Good luck!

  6. My 6 year old goes to bed at 9 and seem fine getting up at 7 for school. I think he so used to getting up at 7 in the morning and same for going to bed. Send them to bed half hour early and see if they still doing it.

  7. At the age of 6 I would say from memory 7.30, but these days they put shows on the kids want to watch till 8.30 which makes it hard.

    I say 7.30 then they have an hour to settle down and hopefully they get up a little better in the morns.  School mornings are hard enough to deal with without grumpy tiered

    Wishing you well

  8. i have a 6 year old, a 3 year old and a 21 month old...they r all in bed at 7 p.m. and they are up at 7 am. Whether they fall asleep at 7 pm is up to them but they are in bed that time.

  9. Start putting them down around 8:30-ish. That should be fine.

  10. 9:00 pm

    answer mine:

  11. My daughter is almost 6 and she goes to bed at 9.  At 8 we turn everything off, radio, tv, phones, etc... We play for 1/2 hr then we read books for 1/2 hr.  There is absolutely NO way I'd get her to bed earlier. She is a late to bed late to rise kid, like her dad. I have accepted that.  Even if, by chance, I got her to sleep at 7 or 8, she'd just wake up a few hours later wide awake and ready to play.  And she still fights to get up at 7am.  I bought an alarm clock thinking that would help her feel like a big girl, but she just zzzzz right through it!  So I would keep doing what you're doing. Unless you can get them to bed earlier without waking up.  My pediatrician says you can't force kids to do 3 things: eat, p**p and sleep.  Good luck....for those who put their kids to bed early, they are lucky their kids are like that.

  12. I think it depends on when they have to get up.  This summer my 6yo was in bed about 9:30 with lights out at 10.  She didn't wake up til 9, but she didn't have to.  Last year she was in bed at 8, lights out at 8:30 and up at 7:30.  This year her school starts early (7:40) so she needs to be up at 6:15.  She has been going to bed at 7:30, lights out at 8:00.  I think she may need to go to bed a little earlier though,  cause she's been yawning by late afternoon.  

  13. up until aroud the age of 7 yrs i went to bed at 730 and just lie in bed.

    after that i went to bed at 830.

    then when i was nine my mum let me go to bed at 9.00

    so i say put your kids to bed earlier

    PLUS my mother has 2 other children before me and she is very smart

  14. That depends what time they need to get up in the morning.  Lots of kids hate getting up for school..even if they do have have enough sleep.  When my kids were that age...they went to bed at 9PM and had to wake up at 8AM and that's plenty of sleep.

  15. Myself I used to put mine down at 8, so that they get the proper rest that they need.  Most kids hate to get up for school whether they have had enough sleep or not, that is normal.  But I think 9 is too late for a 6 yr old to be going to bed.  

  16. I have a 6 year old and 7 year old brother and they get up at seven every day just fine when they get sent to bed at 8

  17. My 6 year old goes to bed at 8.  He wakes up early, even if he stays up later, he still wakes up early.  I would start moving bed time earlier by like 15 minutes a night until you reach 8.  My nephew is 6 and he is in bed by like 7:30.  They play hard and need their sleep.  My 10 yr old goes to bed at about 9, and they go to the same school.

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