My 2 year old niece spends quite a bit of time with us, and since she isn't disciplined at home I am taking on that rule. I have made a time out chair for her and intend to use it a lot. The problem is I am not sure about certain things and whether or not it calls for a time out.
I will put her in time out if she tries to kick, punch, hit, bite, etc, but other than that I am not sure of the other things I should put her in time out for...
For example, when she doesn't get her own way, she starts rubbing her eyes and glaring at whoever she isn't happy with and then starts wimpering and that something to consider time-out for?
When she gets mad a someone, sometimes she will scream at them (it's mostly jibberish, but she can get a swear word in and usually does when she yells)...should I put her in time out for that?
Please no rude answers, my husband and I don't have our own kids yet.