
When to share the good news of pregnant?

by Guest64903  |  earlier

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Hiya, just wanted to know when people started to tell people when they were pregnant. I'm only 6 wks pregnant, found out other wk and i'm desperate to tell people. When would you recomend informing people??????????




  1. I really hate to mention it but the risk of miscarriage is much less after 12 weeks so that is considered the "safe" time to spread your news.

    But I know how you feel, I just couldn't wait that long to tell everyone.

    And congratulations!  xx

  2. whenever you feel like..some people wait until after the 12 week mark b.c then the chance od miscarriage dramatically drops but do it whenever you feel like your ready!!!

    congrats and good luck!!!  

  3. tell them if u r excited, my mums rule was after u get by the danger months but its up to u. what eva.........

    but if u had many misscarriages than i say wait untill u get over the three months soo people don't get there hopes up.

    congrates and good luck......

  4. I am currently 5w&3d pregnant. I told DH, 2 of my best friends, my parents & brothers. I would tell work colleagues & other friends after the 12th Week

  5. First of congratulations and I hope all goes great for your pregnancy!! I couldn't wait to start telling people so I pretty much told everyone really close to me a week after I found out so I was 9 weeks...  Maybe you should just tell close family and friends even if something horrible happens ( which I very much hope it doesn't) they can be there to support you. Good luck with everything =)

  6. 12 weeks hun i told everyone and then ended up having a miscarriage at  9weeks it was so disappointing and hard for everyone involved  

  7. i wont tell ppl b4  my 1st scan @ 12wks but its a personal choice what feels right for some isnt always right for others i was 3 weeks when i found out with this baby and im now 11weeks yet dont have my scan until 17th, not telling ppl is driving me crazy but worth it i kinda like having a lil secret only me & hubby know about  good luck and congratulations x

  8. after 3 month is the perfect time,

    take care in 1st 3 month bcoz this verv imp stage  

  9. Tell people when you feel ready too.  I told people at 4 weeks but thats only because im a Police Officer and when you get pregnant you are taken straight off the streets and kept in the station so people would have known anyway or fabricated some story.  I recommend you tell people when you feel ready too.  Some prefer to wait till after 12 weeks when the risk of miscarriage is reduced, others like to tell straight away so there is understanding behind feeling tired and emotional. Good luck with everything

  10. my hubby asks me  why i tell people im pregnant when i have so many 1st trimester miscarriages.he thought i would want to keep it a secret until im passed the 13th week ,but why should i.i want the world to know and share my joy,plus i cant keep

    if i was to miscarry then so be it but, im not embarresed or anything so why shouldnt ikeep it a secret.

    tell them when your ready,and not when other people say.its your baby

  11. It's honestly best to wait till after your 12 week scan. It's easier if god forbid something goes wrong, you don't have to tell all your family etc. I mean tell your mum, that's something you have to do, but maybe not everyone else just yet.

    GOOD LUCK! & Congrats!

  12. I told immediately (found out when I was 4 weeks), but some choose to wait until after the 12 week period- when there is a decrease in the chance of miscarriage. If you want to tell people, go ahead. It's totally up to you! And CONGRATS!

  13. When you feel comfortable.  I started telling people right away (4-6 weeks) each time I was pregnant.  If your excited share the good news.  Why not?

    I did however witness the emotional hardship it caused my cousin when she lost her baby at 14 weeks after telling everyone and then running into people she told later on and them asking about the baby, that still bothers her.  Since then she has had two full term babies but the scar is still there, especially when people ask her about the baby.

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