
When to start disiplining your child?

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Hi, i have a 5 month old baby and she's my first child. I realize she's only a 5 month old baby and doesnt really need disipline right now because shes just a baby and crys because thats her only form of communication, however, i would like to know whe it's a good time to set rules and bounderies for my child so that she will be an obedient toddler. Any suggestions? i have her on a little routine as well so maybe i'm beggining the process? Any pointers are much appreciated




  1. when shes mobile. you can start telling her no, and moving her to a different area/ activity. real discipline doesn't start until you tell her not to do something, she listens, and then does it anyway.

  2. Well first clue is when your child does something that shes isn't supposed to do and understands you want them to not do it. Sooo first things are like when they try to get things you dont want them to have like taking things off tables. I personally do the light smacking of the hand thing (note I am not saying to hurt a baby so no one have a cow) they dont like it so they might cry or be mad but it will get the idea to them that its not something they should be doing. also say "that's a no-no" or something like that. I'd say at about a year. but depends on the baby. Remember you have to tell them no and you have to know they understand its something you dont want them to do, no matter what the age.

  3. I think its okay to start at 2. many people say that 2 year olds  don't understand what they are doing then, and they're too young to understand their doing wrong, but they arent! They understand what "No!" means, but try to act like they dont. They test the waters to see how much you'll let them get away with. Don't let them fool you.

    1.) Tell them "No! You are not allowed to do that!"

    2.) Tell them once more.

    3.) Give them a time out.

    4.) If all above don't work, give them a spanking, if you don't mind doing this to your kid. Not much, just 1-2 smacks on the bum is enough.

    Hope this helps!

  4. All you can really do before age 15-18 months is love on her and when she starts using words talk to her in simple language (but human language not baby babble ever) about the world and what is good. By 15-18 months (though my parents started at 9 months but I actually do not agree with that) if baby goes for the electric socket or some other dangerous thing or thing she is not allowed to have you can smack her firmly but not excessively on the hand and say NO.

    I KNOW she is so little and cute and it seems cruel but what many people seem not to realize when they simply remove the child from the situation is that a mild action like that does not register in baby-brain. And you cannot reason fully with a child under seven or eight so if they will not listen any other way a smack on the bottom is in order.

    So until she is over her first birthday by a bit there really  is nothing to do. And it is hard to have an obedient toddler because the only way they grow and develop is to start establishing their separate identity from you.

    I think the routine is great and will do both of you some good because she will feel secure and know what to expect every day.

  5. As soon as she understands right from wrong....that's when u discipline her. If tell her not to specifically touch something & she throws a tantrum or cries because u said "NO" she understands she can't have it. If she touches it again & u say "no" again & she beggins to cry again, now u rpositive se understands & u can beggin to disiplin her

  6. she can't really do anything until she can walk. that's when she can start grabbing at things and putting things in her mouth. and then you just smack her hand and say NO. very firmly. she'll recognize the difference in your tone and will make a note not to do that. hopefully it only takes one time and she stops. once she is over 1 she will really start to push her limits a little. that's when a smack on the bottom is required. not excessively hard but more than a love tap. she'll register that touching that or doing that will get her this smack and she won't do it. when she is this age she isn't very likely to stay in timeout but every kid is different so you could try timeouts too. when she hits two is when things become really bad. terrible twos. this is when you want to start giving her a couple hard spanks to her bottom when she does something you don't want her to do. she will probably cry but it will most likely be from the shock of her bottom getting spanked. timeouts work too and taking away her favorite toy for the rest of the day. this is also when you start explaining to her why you don't want her doing something. good luck ♥

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