
When to swich to a toddler bed?

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Ok so my 1 year old daughter can climb up and down the toddler bed but Im afraid she will fall out at night time. She gets her lil legs stuck in her crib constantly, bumpers or not...I know I should probebly get a saftey netting type thing but do you think its to early for a big girl bed?




  1. Your best bet is to switch for sure when they first are able to crawl out of their crib because it is very dangerous if their clothing gets caught up trying to crawl out. Or...if your child seems interested and excited about doing so...give it a whirl. Both of my boys were very different when it came to that so do what you are most comfortable with! Best Wishes!!

  2. they ususally say when she can climb out of her crib bc she can really hurt a toddler bed and get the safety net to put on the side...that way she wont fall out or get her legs stuck!

  3. my triplets were 31/2 before I switched them to big kids beds...

  4. I put my daughter in a toddler bed at 14 months and soooo many people said it was too early. She hated her crib and liked her toddler bed so I think I did the right thing. A toddler bed is only 1 foot off the floor so if they fall it might scare them but it wont hurt them. My daughter has never fallen out of hers and she's a wild sleeper. I think a toddler bed is your best bet.

  5. whenever kid can climb in and out of crib.

  6. My daughter actually switched over to a big bed right before she turned 2.  The only reason we switched her then was because she was actually climbing out of the crib and I was afraid she was going to fall and hurt herself.  It is a huge change for them so I would suggest to wait and possibly put up some type of bumper or something so that her feet stay in it.  You dont want to switch her too soon and have her freaking out about a big bed and then not be able to get her in it later on.  Good luck with what you do decide.

  7. Its not to early to put her in a toddler or a regular twin size bed.  My son was walking and climbing at 9 months old.  When he was getting out of the crib by himself, it was just to dangerous.  We skiped the toddler bed and went right to a twin size bed pushed up against the wall.  The other side we put a side bed rail just for kids.  Worked great and we didnt have to waste money on the special sheets the toddler bed needs.

  8. My daughter was about 14 months when she learned she can climb out.  We bought her a crib net and that worked great.  She's now in a toddler bed and she's 3.  So it's whenever you think she's ready.  If you think she's going into a toddler bed and she falls out constantly, then that interrupts your sleep as well.

  9. You can now if you feel its best for your duaghter as far as i know i was always in a big girl bed as far as i know. we switched my 1 sister at 2 she liked he bassnet now 18 then i was in charge my little sister now 14 i think  i began haven her sleep wit me at about 15 months on inside of bed us 3 girls shared small room i was on bottom funton of bunk other 1 on top. it worked. and when she mother and brother moved away she had no probs wit her twin bed.swithced climbing out.

  10. I will be watchig this question. I am in the same situation.

  11. At 20 months my son tried to climb out of his crib. We tried to put him in a toddler bed, but he just wanted to get out of it and walk around all night. (None of us slept for a long time.)

    If you think she will actually sleep in a regular bed but you don't want her to fall, you could always try putting the mattress on the floor. I know some people who try this, but my son wasn't ready for that freedom.

    Finally, we used the crib tent, and it worked great. I can't say enough good things about it. This would definitely keep her legs in the crib.

  12. I switched my 17 month old daughter to a toddler bed when she starting climbing out of her crib. My husband and I baby proofed her room and got a gate to put in front of her door so she couldn' get out of her room. She doesn't always sleep in her bed....sometimes when I go and check on her....she's sleeping on her floor, but hey....she's sleeping! *laughs*

  13. My daughter is 16 months this week and we took the side rail off of our crib 2 weeks ago. The first night I think she was so shocked that she didn't try anything. The second night she got out of bed and banged at the door. We went in and put her back in bed. She got right back out of bed again and was banging on the door again. We just let her go this time. After about 10-15 min. She stopped. About an hour later we checked on her expecting to have to pick her up off the floor and put her back in bed, but to our susprise she was in bed sound asleep. We have not had a problem with her getting out of bed since. We took the side rail off because she started to try and climb out of the crib, and the tents are a strangling hazard.

    We switched my son, who is now 3 at about the same age, although for a different reason. I was pregnant and I knew we would need the crib for the baby, so when we moved we got him a twin bed.  It took our son a little longer to get used to the idea, about 3 nights instead of 1.

    We have never had a problem with either of them leaving their room because we keep the door shut, and they have no toys in their rooms, so when the get out of bed it is dark and pretty boring so they get back in bed and go to sleep.

    I would suggest taking the side rail off of the crib if you have a convertable crib and Kid Co makes a nice toddler rail,


    if not then put the mattress on the floor for a few weeks to get her used to it, and look for a twin bed and get a side rail for the bed, there are lots of these out there, in all different styles, to keep her from rolling out in her sleep.


    We got a small set of steps from Target to help our kids get in and out of bed independently and safely so they were not climbing over stuff and falling.


    We have the blue one for our son and the pink one for our daughter, but it also comes in dark wood, light wood, and white.

    good luck


  14. Not at alll.   My 6 yr. old even still uses a side rail because she moves so much when she sleeps.  If you're worried about it for now I would just put the mattress on the floor.

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