
When to test again? Implantation Bleed Questions!?

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I know there has been questions like this in the past but I would like to ask myself so I appreciate any advice!

Firstly I have had STDS and any infection already ruled out.

Secondly on Fri 29th I had a pink discharge, Sat morning this changed to a dark bleed enough for just 2 panty liners throughout the full day with 2 hours of cramps. Then yesterday all I had was very very dark almost black looking discharge prob a teaspoons worth. Now I have a few spots and thats it??!!

I have taken a HPT and it was NEG - on friday when I had the pink stuff, i think Im due on the 3rd!, When would it be worth taking another test and could this possibly be implantation bleeding??

Me and my husband are trying for a baby so not sure if im just clutching to straws!

Has anyone else had anything similar and got a BFP??!!

All appropriate answers are appreciated and I say Thank you in advance!




  1. If you've been charting your BBT, you should check your chart for an implantation dip around the sixth day PO. Otherwise, I'm not exactly sure because I don't know your cycles. Baby dust to you and keep your head up. I hope this is your month!!


  2. That sounds very heavy for implantation bleeding and like it has gone on for a bit long.

    But you never know!

    If it was implantation bleeding you would get a positive 2-4 days later so it's worth testing again tomorrow.

    Good luck!

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