
When to use a cooler?

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if i dont ride in an indoor in the winter do i need one? do you have to use one after a winter workout even if your horse didnt sweat? not a blanket person my horse is always naked lol




  1. I only use them in the winter...

    Our equestrian practice workouts were at night.  From 7-10 pm.  Because the horse had sweated and not completely dry when they were loaded...the coolers are put on to wick the moisture away from their bodies, before they were exposed to the cold night air.  Because they horses were no longer moving around to keep themselves tied to a trailer or in the trailer.

    By the time we arrived home...the horse was completely dry and could be turned out 'naked' for the night.

  2. If your horse isn't dripping sweat, don't use a cooler or blanket.  Also, if it's cold and your horse gets hot, simply walk him awhile to cool him out.  That's simpler and cheaper than using a cooler.

  3. does it snow where you live? i wouldn't suggest riding in the snow with most horses. i have a very large indoor and its amazingly helpful but you might wanna spend the money on a blanket instead of an indoor since they're very expensive. blankets aren't that expensive it will be worth your money =]

  4. It depends on how hard you work your horse in the winter.  If you do a lot of hard work and your horse gets hot, you should put a cooler on him until he cools down.  When a horse gets really hot, and then gets too cold because of the temperature, it can get sick.  You need to use your judgement, I personally like to air on the side of caution.

  5. i always have a cooler on my horse. but then again, one of the reasons is because we had to walk outside to get to the arena, so we'd walk the horses up with their coolers on. helps to prevent a cold saddle =D

    as for workouts, i only use a cooler on my horse when it's deathly cold, or if my horse is covered in sweat. some horses need it more than others. i use one on my appy, because she has heaves and is prone to the common cold like you wouldnt believe. she gets it constantly if she's not blanketed.

    if your horse is used to not having a blanket on, then as long as they arent dripping sweat, i wouldnt use a cooler. thick hairy winter coats are grown for a reason, and only when we humans interfer with nature and stop this hair growth by blanketing and heating their stalls do we really ever need to then replace the heat we've taken away.

    hope this helps!

  6. if your horse isn't hot and sweaty, don't use one...i would just hand walk after the ride.

  7. where do u live if u live in a state that is all ways hot then no if u live in a state that is all ways cold and hot then yes and u only need it if ur horse is steaming

  8. I don't think a blanket is necessary unless you plan to show your horse, that way the winter hair doesn't show up.

    Good luck!

  9. i dont use one and my horse doesnt wear rugs/blankets either if she gets really hot i just walk her round and rub her down with straw

  10. A couple "rules" for coolers that I always go by... if your horse is sweaty and you can see the steam in the air, he needs a cooler while his body temp lowers. If it is below 30, and he has any sweat on him, you should use a cooler to avoid a chill. However, Coolers wick away moisture and prevent chills, they do not cool down the horse, and the horse should still be walked until it is cool and dry. Horses wet from snow or rain can benefit from coolers b/c it helps to dry them faster so they dont get cold.

  11. We don't use coolers in the summer.  We do in the winter after they have been worked just because they can catch a chill.  However, if your horse is fine without a cooler and used to it. it shouldn't do any harm.  You know your horse better than anyone.  If that's what he is used to, that is what I would do.
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