
When to use "Latin America" as opposed to "South America"?

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Is Latin America a formal term? In our company we categorize our sellers in that region as South America. I was wondering when it is appropriate to use the term and if it is professional terminology to use in a business. Thanks




  1. You use "Latin America" when speaking of any countries in Latin America. You use "South America" when speaking of any countries in South America, its simple.

    South America is considered a continent (depending on where you were educated). South America is any country south of Panama.

    Latin America is a cultural region that includes the majority of South American countries, some in the Caribbean, all of Central America and Mexico. Latin America consists of any country where a Latin-derived romance language is spoken (Spanish, Portuguese, French, ect.). So, if you are speaking of Mexico and Brazil, "Latin America" would be the correct term to use; if speaking of "Argentina and Chile", "South America" is the correct term. Its not rocket science.

  2. Latin America:

    In most common contemporary usage, Latin America refers only to those territories in the Americas where the Spanish or Portuguese languages prevail: Mexico, most of Central and South America, plus Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico in the Caribbean.

    Strictly speaking, Latin America can designate all of those countries and territories in the Americas where a Romance language (i.e. languages derived from Latin, and hence the name of the region) is spoken: Spanish, Portuguese, French, and creole languages based upon these. Indeed, this was the original intent when the term was popularized by Napoleon III as part of his campaign to install Maximilian as emperor of Mexico.Using this definition, Latin America includes not only all Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries, but also the current and former French territories in the hemisphere, including Quebec in Canada, Louisiana in the United States, Haiti, Martinique and Guadeloupe in the Caribbean, French Guiana in South America, and St. Pierre and Miquelon near Newfoundland.


    South America is the southern part of the Americas, situated entirely in the Western Hemisphere and mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, with about a quarter in the Northern Hemisphere. It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the north and east by the Atlantic Ocean. North America and the Caribbean Sea lie to the northwest.

    Hope this helps!!

  3. Professionally speaking, you should use 'South America' rather then Latin America. Just because as you mentioned you categorize your sellers based on 'regions', not by regions where spanish is spoken. When the term 'Latin America' is used, the countries that do not speak Spanish are excluded, where as when using the term 'South America' all countries in that region are included.

  4. You would use Latin America primarily when referring to all of the countries in the Western Hemisphere south of the Rio Grande with either Spanish or Portugese influence, but it can also include other areas such as islands in the Caribbean Sea with a diversity of languages not related to Spanish or Portuguese.

    South America would apply only to the land and countries south of Panama. Columbia is part of South America.

  5. It's interchangeable for countries that count as Latin America and South America. Kind of like Great Britain and England.

    If you were listing sellers of the region it is perfectly fine and professional to use Latin America. I suggest you use it as opposed to South America since it's a little broader.

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