
When to work after wisdom teeth pulled out?

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I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled on wednesday and it hurt so bad. Today is thursday and my mouth is still swollen and still hurts. I wanna know how long till i can go back to work? I work Tomorrow but i barely got any sleep last night. I'm a cashier is that too much talking? i can barely open my mouth what do you think is the best thing to do?




  1. Wait till the swelling goes done. To reduce the swelling put ice on your cheeks and take some pain medication to help.

    Whenever, you CAN talk is the best time to go back to work. You don't want to pop out your stitches too early.

    I've had my wisdom teeth pulled out too, so I can feel your pain. But it's best just to get plenty of rest and keep ice on you cheeks.

  2.   take a couple of days off, bed rest and some'll be fine soon.


  3. Personally, I needed 7 days, at least, before I was normal enough to function.  It really does hurt bad, and I needed narcotics (vicodin) to keep the pain minimal.  Not good to take while working.  Can you wait to go back next Wed or Thurs?

  4. I only needed two days. I got 4 taken out.  

  5. since you work around customers, it is best to stay home until you are able to open your mouth.

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