
When traveling to Brazil, can I drink the water? or buy bottled? Im from the USA?

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When traveling to Brazil, can I drink the water? or buy bottled? Im from the USA?




  1. Buy bottled water, you may never know where the water came from.

  2. To my knowledge the cities water is safe and drinkable. The locals perfer bottled water but that may be because of the taste. Don't confuse Brazil with Mexico.Brazil is a modern and vibrant country.Some of the worlds largest cities are there and are modern and up to date.Instead of a lot of water you might do what they do and drink a lot of sucos(fruit juice)soda drinks and beer. ENJOY.

  3. There is no need to buy bottled water unless you visit some really small town, 99% of the water is potable.

  4. i had no problem with their water = )  

    and i'm from new orleans

  5. I am from Australia so our water is similar to the US.

    When I lived in Brasil the water upset my stomach (very quickly).  Not only that, but I couldn't eat salad or fruit like strawberries that had been cultivated or washed in the water.  

    At one stage I couldn't understand why corn-on-the-cob was no good for me and then I realised after they took it from the boiling water they dipped it in clean cold water!

    Bottled water is really cheap and you can get it everywhere.  So just be careful with fruit and vegetables that aren't boiled or peeled.

    Try to stick to oranges, bananas, mangos, pineapple etc.

    Enjoy your trip!

  6. The water in Brazil, is perfectly potable... you can find more info, for example, of city of São Paulo, in the website, from the water company of the state....

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