
When travelling at the speed of light, dipped or main beam?

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When travelling at the speed of light, dipped or main beam?




  1. If you can drive at the speed of light, I don't think it matters. I just hope you don't have a flux capacitor on your car, or you'll go back to the future.

  2. Just to let Chris and Douglas know that the speed of light is relative to the position and speed of the observer. ergo if you are travelling at the speed of light and you turned on your lights then it would still travel away from you at the speed of light! Read your Stephen Hawkins.

    And the answer to the question is main beams of course.

  3. main of course

  4. beam me up scotty!!  I assume you actually meant to ask should you have full or dipped headlights when driving at speed. the answer is  you do NOT use main beam when vehicles are approaching you head on ( it Blinds them) you are required by law to use dipped beams.

      However when on an isolated road with no oncoming traffic you are best of using the main beams for road illumination as the main beams will throw light further ahead thus  making it easier to see where you are going. speed isn't an issue. unless you really are travelling at light speed then its easy, as nothing moves faster than light you wont be able to  illuminate anything in front of you at all.

  5. Er, it doesn't mater.  Since you'll be travelling at the same speed as the light from the lamps they won't show anything up.

  6. Through the speed cameras with a rag over your reg. plate.

  7. with hazards on

  8. Low beams always.......................

  9. no lights, have some fun

  10. Main beam.With fog lights on.

  11. Definitely dipped. If you have main beam you're aiming the photons forward and they will stack up against the front of your car and slow you down. If you dip your headlights the photons go downwards and you run the tired ones over.

  12. I don't think it matters, because at the speed of light the stopping distance is about 135 000 000 000 000  000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 feet. I don't think even main beams would be powerful enough to pick out anything at that distance.

  13. does it realy matter because the light will not be able to move forward, reative to the car. imagine holding your thumb over the end of a hose, the water cant escape because of your thumb so the pressure builds up untill something gives. the car traveling at the speed of light with it's lights on would experience the same effect.

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