
When trying to conceive did you go off tea coffee,alcohol before you found out you were pregnant like a week ?

by  |  earlier

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before your period is due thanks




  1. I did not go off my caffeine. I drank 1-2 sodas a day.

    But now that I"m pregnant, soda makes me sick. I cannot even drink a sip without feeling sick.

  2. I totally went off alcohol and cigarettes!

    After a few weeks took a test and it was positive! Unfortunately i lost the baby at 7 weeks!

  3. No I never did & have 3 great kids.

    I have never been big into alcoholic drinks so I never worried about that.

    In fact during my 1st pregnancy I was addicted to Pepsi, I craved it.

  4. Yes .. one of the first things that I thought was strange before I took a pregnancy test was the fact that I could no longer drink a whole cup of coffee.  I just went off it.  Also couldnt stand the smell of it.  Now at 18 weeks I am beginning to be able to drink it again.  Just to add I always drink decaffeinated coffee anyway.

  5. yes i went off coffee Indian curry and when i cooked something i would not be able to eat it i cant remember about the period i was 4 month pregnant before i realised

  6. I did i think i am preg now i maybe abt 3 weeks and i have gone off all that  

  7. actually no. we werent planning to get pregnant quiet yet. we were camping and i drank pretty heavily and we liked to go out to have a good time. well...i was late on my period a couple weeks later and SUPRISE!! God had other ideas. i would have never drank on sip if i would have know but apparently it dont hurt the baby. i think because the baby isn't hooked to the placeta that early on so the baby dont get hurt.

    tea is actually a good thing to drink before and during preg as long as its not loaded down with sugar

  8. i was told to cut back on coffee, not avoid while ttc and while pregnant.

    as for alcohol, i was told to treat my body as though it was pregnant already. so i avoid alcohol completely.

  9. the whole month I went off caffine completely. also alcohol,soda, cigarettes and even basic advil. I got a positive pregnancy test 3 weeks later.

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