
When trying to conceive...(serious answers only)?

by  |  earlier

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I heard that if you have an o****m it helps to conceive. I was just wondering if I should have one before the sperm gets up there or should he go first then me? I know someones going to have a smart answer but I was just wondering




  1. This is indeed true as it increases the blood flow to the reproductive organs and opens up the cervix to help 'suck up' the little swimmers. You go first (yahoooooo!!!!) and then continue on with s*x as normal.

    Best of luck to you and have fun trying!

    Edited...My's you AFTER him...sorry about that. I will say though that for our three we used the 'girl's o****m first' method and it still worked quite well (pregnant in the first month). :)

  2. Female o****m AFTER male o****m is apparently the best order of events. You know, because we all enjoying scheduling these things ... NOT :) LOL

    Anyway, here's why. Many of the sperm find their way up through the cervix immediately, but some of them tend to sit in a little pool just down of the cervix, and kind of get stuck there. A female o****m will actually make the cervix dip down into the pool and pull some more sperm up into the uterus. Complicated, eh?!

    In short .... first him ... then you!

  3. It is best that the sperm be depositied as close to the cervix as possible and then you have an o****m (best position would be you on bottom and pillow under you butt, stay in this for 15 minutes after finished)  This causes the cervix to dip into the pool of sperm and be pulled up and into the cervix giving the sperm a better chance of survival.

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