
When trying to concieve... every month did you have symptoms of being pregnant even if you werent?

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Or if your currently trying.. do you have that problem. What did you/do yall do to help not have these symptoms.




  1. yes i felt that i was kinda pregnant when i was trying to conceive but when i check it's always BFN. kinda psychological and sometimes it is because my AF is already coming. BUT this year last May I felt like that; the same things i experienced before then I checked it was a BFP this time. I did not even expect it because i always get negative. It comes when you least expect it!

  2. I started TTC # 2 in Dec 07. That month, I felt really preggo - wee, increased pigmentation, tired but AF came 2 weeks later. From Jan o8 to July 08, no symptoms (except for sore bbs few days before AF is due) & AF came on time or a day or 2 late. In early Aug 08 (9th cycle & got BFP - Finally), I started having cramps 7 DPO, on & off even until now, pee often, flu like symptoms, & cranky. I knew this will be the month but kept telling myself it could be PMS symptoms so that I won't be overly disappointed AGAIN. I was over the moon when I saw the BFP.

  3. Yes, I have the same thing happening to me! It really is sad because I really think I'm pregnant when the symptoms occur.

  4. Yeah about a month ago I thought I was pregnant because I had symptoms like spotting, dizziness, headaches, abdominal pressure, extreme hunger, very tired, very sore b***s with the veins pronounced that had gotten bigger, and one day I just felt extremely sad for no reason and this month I was 5 days late which I'm never late and I was having dull pains on my right side and the reason why I thought this month was it because I had light pink spotting on the 25 and brown spotting on the 26 of Aug and my period was suppose to come on the 27 but it didn't it came on the 31 of Aug of course it was a false alarm.

  5. I experienced this after I had my son and went off the pill when he turned two.  Turned out that after a couple months and when we started to get a little more serious about conceiving I figured out it was actually my ovulation.  Cramping, sore b*****s, fatigue...all the indicators and no AF!!  Then two weeks later..whammo!!  AF came!

    Once I got that all sorted out, it took a couple more months and we conceived...I'm due in less than 10 short weeks!!  Try charting your cycles to see if it is happeneing at the same time each month.  maybe you are experienceing what I did!!

    Good luck and baby dust!!

  6. I know its hard, but try to relax and let nature take its course. They say as soon as you stop trying, you get pregnant!

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