
When ttc does this really matter???

by Guest64688  |  earlier

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ive read that when ttc the woman should climax first so that the cervix is open so when the man climaxes it goes right in! but ive also read that when ttc the man should climax first so when the woman climaxes the cervix will suck whats in the vaginal canal!! they both sound realistic but i don't know which one to do. could someone please help me out with this and possibly share some success stories??? thank you all in advance!!!




  1. • One of my TTC friends wrote this long laid out answer for me...she's a wonderful ttc hope booster & great with giving helpful advice && here you go...This was written by MANDI!!!

    Im just gonna give you the whole cabootle....

    This is going to be really long and graphic but I got pregnant in one month doing exactly this and I hope it works for you. First, I got a calendar (actually i used the one on my iGOOGLE). Then I wrote down EVERYTHING. I began by writing down the day and time i started my period in June and the exact day i got off my period at the beginning of July. Next, i counted 14 days from the FIRST day of you last period (my period started June 28 so I counted 14 days from that day and got July 12th). This is the day you are SUPPOSED to ovulate. There are certain symptoms involved with ovulating including: mild breakouts and/or cramping, cervical mucus (discharge) that resemble raw egg whites. Also, you can feel your cervix. A high, open, hard cervix means ovulation. You can also buy ovulation kits that will tell you when you are ovulating or most likely to ovulate. Although you have the day that you are "supposed" to ovulate, you should take a couple days before and a couple days after this day to assume fertility in case you are a day or two off with you ovulation. Next... we cant have babies without s*x right. During that week of fertility have s*x every other day to give your man's sperm time to replenish itself. I had s*x every other day throughout the month except for the week before my period to cover all my basis just in case. When you have s*x, make sure NO SALIVA touches you v****a in ANY WAY. Saliva kills sperm. Also, you have to make sure you have plenty of that cervical mucus that is like raw egg whites. A fish cannot swim out of water and this is the sperms "water" that it needs to swim up into the cervix. My problem was the fact that my vaginal canal always seemed to be extremely dry and it is very easy to make s*x more of a chore. I used my vibrator before s*x to make sure i had enough of that cervical mucus and so my v****a was not dry. sometimes i would use it twice before s*x. Make sure to have s*x in a gravity defying position like the missionary position or doggy style so gravity can pull the sperm down where your cervix is. lay on your back with a pillow under your bum and your legs in the air for a few minutes. do not jump up and "clean" the sperm out of you right away. At this point, i used my vibrator again because o****m causes your cervix to open and the contraction will pull sperm into the cervix. Do this every other day and then... just wait. I really hope this helps. It took me 8 months to get pregnant with my daughter and it was a shock to me once i started doing research and realized all the small things i was doing wrong. Now i am 5 weeks pregnant after one month of trying. Baby dust to you and good luck. Hang in there and be patient even though i know its hard.

    OH... stressing about TTC just makes everything worse. Just relax and try to understand that everyones body and cycles are different. It takes some wome 12 months to conceive and other 1... it just depends but pay attention to the small things and just live your life.

  2. actually it does not matter at all with both my pregnancy's i never even had a climax when i conceived them so really it makes no difference just relax and have fun with it its the best part of the experience. when we was trying to conceive our son we tried for months and months  but then gave up and decided it was not meant to be then 2 months later i finally conceived it was a wonderful surprise.  

  3. Sorry, when trying to conceive we never climaxed together.  I had to elevate my hips after intercourse for a few minutes to coax the sperm where it would do some good.  With my first pregnancy I had to elevate my hips but the other three went off quite well without any help.  Still no coordinated climaxes EVER.

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