
When u buy gas for your car how much do u put in?

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When u buy gas for your car how much do u put in?




  1. i always fill it up

  2. it depends on how much i have on me at the moment

  3. Even though I can;t drive too much I keep the tank topped off. I usually spend about $20 for 2wks.I need to get out!

  4. I try and make sure that my fuel tank is above 3/4 of a tank at all times.

    The gas prices can change overnight and go sky high, no one ever knows.

  5. Dunno i always ask for full!

  6. It's 13 gallon tank, so I fill it. And I won't have to buy gas for another 5 - 7 days.

  7. 10 or 20 dollars, depends on how much gas is at the moment.

  8. I have a 15 gallon tank, I put in 89 and can fill completely up on about $40.00

  9. I fill it up. So the answer would depend on how low my tank is at any given time. I usually don't go below half a tank.

  10. I fill up.  Even if gasoline was to change price, it's not going to affect how much I buy.  Stopping to buy gasoline takes time and I don't do it more often than necessary.

  11. 23 gallons = gas price @ about $3.02 to $3.27 = about $50 to $54 premium only!!! Shell Gas

  12. If at the fill-up moment gas prices are somewhat down, I fill up. If they are up at the moment, I put around 6 galons (half tank for my Chevy) or $20, whichever is lesser.

  13. I usually fill it up.  Since I hardly ever let the tank get below 1/4 full, that means I usually put in between ten and twelve gallons (I have a sixteen gallon tank).  It usually costs me about $ 30 - $35 to fill it up; fortunately the tank-full lasts nearly three weeks, since I don't use my car very much!  Good luck!

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