
When u feel good?

by  |  earlier

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When u r free or when u r extreamly busy!!

thanks 4 ur answers!!




  1. I often feel good when extremely free like a bird in the air.

    What about you?

    Thanks for asking

  2. both i love to be doing something when i am free and and i would love to  be free when i am extreamly busy but that how i am

  3. I am always free to do anything. If my freedom allows me to be extremely busy doing something I love...Great

  4. Hi Rosy

    I'm very happy that this is the first time i answer your questions.

    well, i must say that i feel good and bad in each one of them.

    when I'm free, good that i can anything i want but sometimes i get boring.

    when i get busy, good that there's many thing depends on me to do it and this is good feeling, but sometimes i can't do all i have to do because i can't give my best all the time and this is two bad things that you wont finish all, and you can't give your best for a while.

    there is no absolute good or bad. all our life have both. they're like the neighbors, not happy with each other but they live in one neighborhood.

    thanks yahoo

  5. when you aksing questions like this one =)
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