
When u give your credit card number to xbox for the xbox live sign up do they take your money?

by  |  earlier

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i mean do they scam you for money from your credit card?




  1. I haven't ever had any problems, nor have I ever heard of anyone else getting scammed.  Microsoft is a big, wealthy company--they have a lot more important things to do than scam their customers for small amounts of money.


  2. I have had xbox live for years and I have never once had a problem.  If you are scared about things Like that you can always sign up for paypal. They have this new feature that generates a one time or multiple time "fake" card number. It comes from your account but the people receiving the money only see the "fake" card number so you can never get scammed.  Its worked well for me.  

  3. no

  4. What it does is set up a subscription where they automatically renew your account annually. So a year from the day you set up your account they will automatically withdraw money from your account to renew it.

  5. I've never had them scam me. If you're concerned, then you can go to your local game store or technology store and buy a pre-paid 1yr. subscription to xbox live for $50. I saw a story where you can get the card for $40 off one site. And it's legit. But no, Microsoft will not scam you.

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